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Julia: the results are in

Dom: of your pregnancy test

Julia: yes

Dom: and you're pregnant

Julia: yes

Julia: no of my brain scan

Dom: hahaha i figured

Dom: and?? what's it?

Julia: well the doctor just called me and she said it's probably temporary and it will go away in two weeks to a month

Dom: oh that's good!!

Dom: "probably temporary" ?

Julia: yeah okay so in some cases it doesn't go away but that's like 1% and she said i'm young and it won't happen to me

Julia: but i'll have to keep coming to the doctor every week so she can see how i'm doing and if my memory gets worse or better

Dom: okay that's great

Dom: that's good news honey i'm happy for you :))

Dom: told you it'd be okay

Julia: yeah

Julia: oh also the doctor asked me if you were coming along with me again next week because she liked you a lot

Dom: she liked ME?

Julia: why are you surprised 💀

Dom: because most people just think i'm annoying

Julia: no she loved how you kept making jokes and stuff

Dom: oh well guess i'll have to keep next week's tuesday free so i can come with you

Dom: if you actually have to come back in exactly a week

Julia: yeah she said i should

Dom: okay then we'll just do that :) x

Julia: :))

Julia: you know what sucks?

Dom: what?

Julia: the fact that i forgot what movie we were watching two nights before until you told me BUT i never forgot what you told me about benjamin

Julia: i just want to fucking forget him

Dom: :(((( yeah i understand

Dom: i think because it has a big impact on you you won't just forget it

Dom: i think you only forget simple, small things

Julia: yes :(

Julia: i wish my brain would just erase all things that suck

Dom: hahaha i know hun that would be way more convenient

Dom: like imagine, you'd always be happy that way

Julia: oh my god 😳😳

Julia: please throw me against a rock again, maybe it'll happen

Dom: hahahaha

Dom: no thanks

Dom: there's more chance you're gonna die if i do that so nah i'll skip this time

Julia: fuck

Julia: talking about shitty things

Dom: oh we're gonna talk about my songs now

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