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"Dom would you please stop stressing like that? You're stressing me out." 

"How could I not be stressing?!"

"Because everything went well during your last three rehearsals so it will definitely go well during the actual show." 

Once Dom turned around to look at Julia after she said that, she held out her arms to sign Dom he had to come an sit on her lap. But instead, another thought popped up in Dom's head and he ran over to the drummer to tell him about it. 

Julia sighed, shaking her head, and watched them only shortly with a fond smile before she grabbed her phone and scrolled a bit. 

She had been sitting in the venue watching Dom rehearse for the past three and a half hours now. And even though Julia didn't do much more than just watch him and give him some instructions and tips when he asked, she was exhausted. But Dom didn't seem to be. 

"Jules!" Dom caught her attention again after she had only gotten the chance to look at her phone for twenty seconds.

"Do you think it's a good idea if I do this-" he said as he picked up his guitar by the neck and swung it toward the drums, but not actually touching it. 

"...but then actually break it during the show!" he continued excitedly, only for Julia to sigh and shake her head again.

"Why would you break it, honey? That guitar is expensive as hell, isn't it?"

"But," Dom argued, "it's during Braindead! And it's gonna look so sick!"

Julia still didn't change the expression on her face, making Dom pout because he knew he would get what he wanted most of the time when he did that. He knew Julia couldn't resist it. 

"Not a good idea baby," Julia maintained. "Maybe during the last show. This will only be the first." 

Dom again pouted and eventually jumped off the stage to walk over to where Julia was sitting.

"I'm nervous as fuck man," he mumbled as Julia opened her arms again so he could sit down on her lap and she could finally wrap her arms around his waist. 

"What if they're not gonna like it?" he asked her, resting his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes. Apparently he was exhausted, but he only didn't show it when he was on stage. 

"They are gonna like it," Julia reassured him.

"Only if I smash my guitar agai-" 

"No," Julia quickly cut him off, making Dom giggle and crawl closer to her. 

"Worth the try," he mumbled. 

Julia chuckled and ruffled his hair, giving a kiss on it before she asked "shall we go back to the hotel room to rest for a bit?" 

"I need to rehearse some more," Dom groaned, making himself more comfortable. Both the way he said it and the way he acted betrayed he was actually so done with rehearsing, which wasn't weird considering he had been rehearsing non stop for the past week. 

Julia shook her head. "Everything is perfect now. And you can rehearse again tomorrow before the show." 

"Didn't I sing Anarchist a little too-" 

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