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Dom: hi. i don't know if you're on your way home already but if you're still at the venue, would you like to meet up real quick? if you don't want to that's okay. i hope you enjoyed the concert

Julia: no i'm still here, sitting outside

Dom: it's okay if you wanna go home

Julia: no i'd like to meet up :) where are you right now?

Dom: i'm still inside. i'm about to meet a small group of girls first. go to the back entrance where they are standing and wait there until they're going home.

Julia: okay

Dom: see you there?

Julia: yeah i'll see you there :)


"Do you want me to come with you?" Max asked her after Julia showed him the conversation between her and Dom. She shrugged and looked at him.

"I don't want to leave you alone here."

"It's okay, I'll just smoke at that cafe over there. I've been wanting to go there ever since it caught my eye," Max reassured her.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded. "If you promise me to text when you're done talking so I can come over there."

Julia nodded in return and finally stood up from the sidewalk.

"Don't end up making out with him in the corner of the street somewhere," Max joked as he stood up as well and stretched. Julia rolled her eyes while giving him a playful annoyed look.

"I'm pretty sure he just wants to meet up to give me something back that I gave him before we broke up," she said seriously.

Max sighed and chuckled shortly. "You're so clueless."

"I'm just stating facts, I don't-"

"Just go already!" Max interrupted Julia, pushing her into the direction she had to go in. Julia groaned and looked at her friend once again to stick her tongue out to him and then walked to the back entrance, pretending she wasn't nervous at all.

She knew she was at the right entrance when she saw a few girls standing in a small circle close to a black door. They were all talking to each other happily but quietly, showing each other things on their phones. Julia made sure she kept some distance from them and leaned against a small wall, waiting for Dom to come out.

Julia had grabbed her phone to scroll on it so it wouldn't bee too awkward between her and the girls, but once she looked up she saw one of the girls looking at her. And the second they made eye contact, the girl turned around and whispered something to her friends, making them all turn around.

Julia pretended she didn't notice it and continued to scroll through her phone even though there was nothing, but she could still feel the tension between her and the girls.

A part of Julia was afraid one of the girls would ask her about Dom and whether she was a fan or not. And to be honest, she had no idea what she should say to that.

Luckily only twenty seconds after her first eye contact with the group of girls, the door opened and Dom walked out. All of the girls shifted their attention to him, and none of them even seemed to notice she was still there anymore.

However Dom did notice she was there. Julia was looking into their direction for just two seconds, and at that exact same moment Dom looked at her. Her eyes grew a little bigger and her stomach flipped when he smiled softly and then ran his hand through his hair before focusing on one of the girls again.

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