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Julia: hey bub did you go to your meeting today?

Dom: i did :)

Julia: i'm proud of you <3

Julia: did it go well?

Dom: it did actually yeah

Julia: i'm glaaad

Julia: did you do any other interesting stuff so far today? i know it's just past noon but

Dom: not really

Dom: actually

Dom: nvm

Julia: no what?

Dom: nothing, i just wrote a few things and that's it

Julia: oh a new song? :))

Dom: yeah but it's just a concept

Julia: did you write further on that one song you let me hear on facetime a few days ago?

Dom: yeah i finished that one :)

Dom: i think i'm gonna call it casual sabotage

Dom: is that a good name?

Julia: oh my god yes i love that name

Dom: okay i'll call it like that then

Dom: what about your day tho baby? did you have a good day?

Julia: i'm on my period so i stayed in bed all day because i'm DYING

Dom: ah honey :(((

Julia: but i watched stranger things all day which is great because i fucking love those series

Dom: omg me too

Dom: i live for the series

Dom: hey jules?

Julia: yes?

Dom: actually i've been in bed all day as well

Dom: i couldn't get myself to go to the meeting so i called in sick

Julia: sweetheart :/

Julia: so you're not feeling much better?

Dom: no not really

Dom: the day after we watched the lion king together i felt a little better and went to the supermarket and i went to do a rehearsal and talk about a song i wrote

Dom: but after that i kept feeling like shit

Dom: so yeah

Julia: :((

Julia: honey you did eat enough right?

Dom: i'm not really hungry rn so yeah i guess so

Julia: please keep eating and drinking because that's the most important

Julia: do you sleep well or?

Dom: yesterday i slept for ten hours which is good but the two days before that i slept like three hours

Dom: i couldn't stop fucking thinking

Dom: it's driving me completely INSANE julia idk what to do

Julia: is there someone professional you can talk to in la?

Dom: i don't want that

Julia: why not?

Dom: because it's not going to fucking help

Julia: maybe it is

Dom: i just want to go back julia

Dom: i want to go back to fucking doncaster

Julia: okay but is it only because of me? or just because of everything

Dom: it's gonna sound so fucking stupid

Julia: it is not, don't worry

Julia: just tell me

Dom: it is because of you

Julia: you really REALLY shouldn't give up your dream career for me baby

Dom: i know and i've been TRYING to tell myself that

Dom: but i just feel so empty every time i'm in my apartment alone and i feel like we're missing out on the time we could be together

Dom: like this should be the best time in our relationship for us both but we're just apart for like 9 months

Julia: it's only two more months left hun

Dom: at least four. they told me i should stay until july for festivals. just to be sure.

Julia: oh fuck

Julia: right

Dom: but i've been looking at flights back to doncaster

Julia: dom :(

Julia: you haven't booked anything yet have you?

Dom: no but i might soon

Julia: isn't it possible to go back to doncaster for just two weeks and then go back to la?

Dom: i asked them already but it's not possible

Dom: but julia i also feel like it's gonna be like this all the time if it's gonna be my job

Dom: so i don't want that

Julia: do you not want that because you don't like the idea of always working or do you not want that because of me?

Dom: i love working in music it's the best thing ever

Julia: so it's the second

Dom: i mean

Julia: it is.

Julia: dom

Julia: if we broke up would you still want to go back to doncaster?

Julia: and please be honest

Dom: idk i guess not

Julia: okay

Dom: why? you don't wanna break up right?

Julia: i mean, i'm gonna be honest with you okay

Julia: at this point it feels like that's the only option we have that will turn out good. you going back to doncaster is not a good idea at all. i feel like you're gonna regret it so much

Dom: i won't

Julia: i don't want to play your mum or anything but you WILL regret it. i'm not saying this because i'm forcing you to keep working but i'm saying this because i know you really well and i fucking KNOW that this is your dream

Dom: julia i really don't want to break up

Julia: me neither

Julia: but it feels like that's the only way to make things work out

Dom: no

Dom: julia you don't mean this right

Dom: you don't actually wanna break up right

Julia: idk

Julia: can you come on facetime so we can talk better

Dom: what the fuck julia i hope you're not being serious

Julia: just come on facetime baby so we can talk

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