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It had taken them only twenty minutes to skate to the cafe, however it took them forty minutes to get home. All because Brendon had broken the pink skateboard and it was worse than they thought it would be: it was even missing a wheel.

Of course Julia told her mother about it. She had to, knowing her mother would see both their bruises on their faces anyways and ask them what happened. But she didn't tell her mother the truth though. She just told her they bumped into each other.

And her mother told that exact same story to Julia's sister, Senna.

"Why did you even give my skateboard to him?" Senna yelled at Julia, standing in the doorway of Julia's room after she had interrupted Dom and Julia from watching a movie.

"Because you never use it! And we wanted to skate!"

"Well obviously he can't even skate!"

Senna nodded into Dom's direction, who was sitting on the bed watching them fight while he nervously fidgeted with his hands.

"Stop crying over it! You have used it once!"

"But it was mine!"

Julia groaned and leaned back against her pillow, mentioning Senna she had to leave now.

"Go away. It happened and you'll probably forget about it in a week."

"I won't," Senna argued as she kept standing in the doorway. "Besides I don't even know your new boyfriend. At least Brendon didn't break my stuff."

The mention of Brendon caused Julia to immediately jump off the bed and walk into Senna's direction. "Go away."

Without hesitating Julia slammed the door closed in her sister's face and locked the door, groaning as she walked back to the bed.

"I liked Brendon a lot more!" Senna yelled at her, hitting the door with her fist before Julia heard her walking away.

"Well I don't!"

The fight didn't make a lot of impact on Julia. She knew Senna didn't mean it but things like that just came out of her mouth without thinking, because of her ADHD. It didn't hurt Julia.

Though, the fight did make impact on Dom. After resuming the movie he had started crying trying to convince Julia her family hated him now. Julia had argued with him about it for ten minutes, trying to calm him down. And it finally worked.

So now she had her whole body laying on his body while he had his arms around her. The movie was still playing, but Julia had her eyes closed while having her face buried in his neck. She didn't really care about the movie, though. She was okay with listening to his breathing that had finally calmed down.

"Can you still breathe?" she asked him softly as she moved her head away from his neck a little bit.

"Don't move," Dom said, pushing her head back.

Julia chuckled and smiled while closing her eyes. She knew Dom wasn't watching the movie anymore either by the way his head was on her pillow and resting against hers. He was probably just staring at the ceiling.

Julia smiled a little wider and kissed his neck softly. She noticed how Dom's breathing stopped for a millisecond. It made her kiss his neck again a few times.

"What are you thinking about?" she whispered to him, looking up at him slowly only to see he had his eyes closed and was smiling. His smile widened and he bit his lip before answering, "you".

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