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Julia: LA is weird as fuck wtf

Dom: uhm

Dom: is THIS your way to tell me you just landed in LA?

Dom: you could've said "baby the plane just landed i'm so happy i'm finally here"

Dom: okay maybe not THAT cheesy but

Dom: you've been away for like 10 hours having me all anxious because i HATE knowing you're traveling alone

Dom: and the first thing you say is that LA is weird 💀💀

Julia: well yeah i didn't lie

Dom: WHY tho

Julia: because

Julia: i'm happy i'm in LA don't get me wrong but

Julia: i'm in line for a passport check rn and some random guy keeps hitting on me and it makes me SO uncomfortable and he doesn't understand 'no' and i'm like....

Julia: i just want this line to be over sir

Dom: wait for real

Julia: yeah

Dom: where are you rn

Julia: as i said i'm in line for a passport check at the airport

Dom: i can't come over there can i

Julia: no i don't think so

Julia: it's fine tho i'm not in danger or anything because there are lots of people around me but i'm just so ANNOYED so i wanted to tell you

Dom: how old is the guy

Julia: idk? i haven't asked him??

Dom: obviously you haven't but how old does he look

Julia: like 25

Julia: you've got some competition 😳


Julia: hahahaha

Julia: dw he's annoying and ugly

Dom: why did you describe me...

Julia: shut the fuck up now sir!!! you're starting to make me angry

Dom: i'm already angry so that makes two of us

Julia: you're angry because?? i called LA shitty?

Dom: no dummy because you said i've got competition because i felt that in my fucking chest

Julia: i'm sorry i was joking obviously

Julia: i actually told the guy i'm literally here to see my boyfriend and he still kept on flirting and i was like sir.... why

Dom: oh god i hate him

Julia: me too

Julia: but okay anyway i just arrived as you've probably noticed. i'll update you when i'm through :))

Dom: pls do :) i'm waiting for you outside

Julia: cannooot wait to see you

Dom: me neither omg


Julia: wherw are yoi

Julia: dom

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