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Julia: so i just tried to take off my make up and all

Julia: and my hands are literally still shaking like i just cannot stop

Dom: oh my god

Dom: bro i've never been so scared in my fucking life


Dom: like the footsteps were creepy as hell but the SCREAMING AT THE END I CAN'T

Julia: traumatic luv

Dom: forreal

Dom: but was it worth it though

Dom: or do you hate me now for bringing you in such a situation while i could've just brought you home

Julia: no it was definitely worth it

Julia: i'm gonna sound cheesy as hell

Julia: but tonight was one of the best nights i've ever had

Dom: 🥺🥺

Dom: tbh same

Julia: i can't stop thinking about it

Dom: me neither like my feelings and everything are just rushing through my body and idk what to feel or what to think

Julia: same

Julia: it all went so quickly like yesterday i was still with brendon and today all of this happened and my life feels totally different

Dom: isn't it too quick for you?

Dom: like you didn't even have one day without being in a relationship

Dom: i mean if we are... you know idk

Julia: no it's ok i guess

Julia: i mean true i haven't been single for a day but it doesn't feel like that

Julia: like for some reason after i kissed you it felt like i started something i haven't had for a really really long time

Julia: like it didn't even feel like a relationship with brendon anymore now i think about it

Dom: :(

Dom: okay so

Dom: you don't mind?

Dom: like i wouldn't mind if we took it slower if you feel like that's the right thing to do

Julia: nooo i feel great now

Julia: also don't lie, i know it would kill you if we took it slowly

Dom: shhh

Dom: i just meant that i want the best for you and i don't want to rush you or whatever

Julia: no no it's ok

Julia: i promise i feel great and i'm happy :)

Dom: sure?

Julia: promise

Dom: good :)

Julia: so we're...

Dom: i guess i'm your boyfriend now ew


Dom: hahahahaha i just love doing that

Julia: 😠😠😠

Julia: are you in bed?

Dom: yes

Dom: are you?

Julia: not yet i'm still in the bathroom

Dom: go to sleep dummy you have school tomorrow

Julia: didn't you have a meeting mister

Dom: i mean yes but i'm already in bed

Julia: touche but i'm in the room next to my bedroom so that's pretty close

Dom: whatever

Julia: i probably won't even be able to sleep tonight tbh

Dom: yeah i think i'll be struggling too

Dom: but i'm pretty fucking tired so who knows

Julia: yeah same tho

Julia: what kinda meeting do you have tomorrow

Dom: it's actually pretty exciting

Dom: i'm meeting up with someone who's working for a record label

Dom: and it's nothing serious yet because it's a friend of a friend but he wanted to listen to some songs and if he likes them he might share them

Julia: oh my god really???

Julia: that's so great

Dom: yeah i'm a little nervous

Julia: it's gonna be ok

Julia: omg i'm excited

Dom: oh yeah that reminds me of something i wanted to ask you

Julia: oh?

Dom: is it ok if i let him hear the song we wrote together?

Julia: omg hope for the underrated youth??

Dom: i mean as far as i'm aware it's the only song we wrote together

Dom: so yes

Julia: hahahaha

Julia: YES of course it's okay!

Julia: omg now i'm nervous as well

Dom: ahhhh great

Dom: cutie 🥺

Julia: what other songs are you gonna let him listen to?

Dom: california, king charles and maybe polygraph eyes

Julia: king charles???

Julia: you've never talked about that one 😡

Dom: honey i've got plenty of songs you don't know about

Julia: :(((

Julia: do i have more rights to hear them now because i'm your girlfriend??

Dom: are you gonna take advantage of it now??

Julia: i mean

Julia: yes

Dom: hahaha ok sure jula

Dom: if you come over again soon

Dom: NO WAIT actually

Dom: i wanna come over to your house this time if that's ok

Julia: yesss 🥺🥺

Dom: great now go to fucking sleep i don't want you to fail school because of me

Julia: ok dad

Dom: i- 😳

Dom: that was unexpectedly

Julia: didn't mean it like that now go to sleep mr criminal


Julia: :) xx

Dom: i hate you

Julia: no you don't

Dom: nah i don't

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