Chapter 43: Lizardmen

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"Today you'll be training along with the lizard men, and…with Hamsuke." 

Hamsuke? Lizard men? Eh? 

"I'm sorry what?" 
The tiny floor guardian keeps her heterochromatic eyes on mine, her expression unchanged. She then turns around and starts walking into the Amphitheatrum, whistling happily. 

Well…lizard men. And I don't know who the hell is Hamsuke, but I'm kinda curious.

As I reluctantly walk in the Amphitheatrum and reach the center, I'm greeted by two lizard men and...what the hell is that?! It looks like…a giant hamster.

Meh, why am I surprised, at this point I should've gotten used to the weirdness of this place.

One of the two lizardmen, very tall, with green skin, and a very big hand, bursts out into laughter, followed by the other one, who is shorter, with brown skin, and has normal sized hands. The brown one immediately regains his composure and walks up to me holding out his hand. 
“Sorry about the laughing. Watching people see Hamsuke for the first time is always amusing to us. I am Zaryusu Shasha, some people call me the strongest among the lizardmen.” 
I shake his scaly hand firmly, and I give him a friendly nod. 
“It’s not a problem. My name’s Mark Redfang, I’m…an ex-human, who is now a vampire.” I say adding a small joke in there. Zaryusu nods and a small grin forms on his face, then he takes a quick look behind him and points to the other lizardman. 
“He’s my friend, Zenberu Gugu. Don’t be intimidated by his height, he’s one of the friendliest people I know, and also one of the funniest.” 
Zenberu waves his massive hand at me with a very wide grin, and he looks to be about to say something when Aura comes up to us with a casual smile on her face. 
“Alright, so I think that you can fight Zaryusu for today, what do you think?” The elf says looking at me.

It feels funny, having to obey a child's orders. But Aura and Mare are in charge here, so I gotta comply. 

“Whatever Master Cocytus suggested is fine by me.” 
“Since you two both use a sword, I think you’ll get along well! Now let’s cut the chatter and get on with your training!” 
Aura explains the rules of the duel to me and Zaryusu, then she says she’ll be the judge. And unfortunately I’m not allowed to use any magic or any vampire skills, at least for now. Aura tells me she’ll give me a signal when I’ll be allowed to. 
Zaryusu draws what looks to be a pointy icicle, and points it towards me. Then he starts charging me head on very quickly. Good thing he doesn’t know about my knife, or my sword. I mean, he does know I have a sword, but he doesn’t know what kind it is yet, and I think he’s unaware of the fact that I have a knife as well. I draw my sword and block his first swing, striking back, but Zaryusu dodges easily and hits my sword with his, making me step back and almost lose balance. 
“You’re good.” Zaryusu says thrilled. 
“Heh, I try. You are pretty good yourself.” 
I take a swift swing at Zaryusu and I almost manage to hit him, he blocks at the last second. But now he’s not balanced. With a quick movement of my hand, I draw my knife and hit Zaryusu’s wrist with the handle, sending his blade flying back a meter or so, then I point my sword at his throat.
“Nice move.” Zaryusu whispers and nods. 
“That wasn’t very fair if you ask me!” Aura shouts to my left.

Well, yes it was. It irritates me when she makes unnecessary comments.

“You said we could only use sharp-edged weapons, and so I did. I don’t see the unfairness here. A combatant fights with every weapon at their disposal.” I explain and shrug, putting my knife back in its scabbard. 
“Hmm…alright, I’ll give you this one. But only if Zaryusu agrees!” Aura says a bit loudly. 
“Of course. He beat me fair and square. On the battlefield, even your allies can become enemies. Mark here just thought like he was in a real battle, there’s nothing to blame him for. I did let my guard down at one point, so the fault is mine.” 

Well, I can’t say anything except the fact that Zaryusu was thinking exactly what I was thinking. We seem to get along well.

“Alright! So, how about Mark fights you both now?” 

I’m sorry? 

“Are you sure?” I ask a bit worried, since I don’t think I can handle both Zaryusu and that tall hunk of a lizardman that is Zenberu. 
“Yes! You will be permitted to use your powers now, so it’ll be a fair fight!” Aura shouts from the bleachers.

Oh, alright then. So basically I can fight unarmed now, and use the tricks at my disposal. I’ve learned quite a few things during my months of training, but I’ve never been able to try them out on anyone, since I’ve always murdered humans and nothing more. Maybe this time I’ll use some of the spells I learned. Which aren't many, to be honest.

Zenberu walks next to Zaryusu and whispers something in his ear, then Zaryusu nods and picks up his sword. 
“Now you’ll feel the power of Frost Pain. And of Zenburu’s punches.” 
“I can’t wait. So, who’s coming first? Or are you going to come at me at the same time?” I ask, trying to sound confident while in reality I'm not. Zenberu lets out what sounds to be a battle cry, and he rushes me with his big fist raised. As he punches me, I bring both my hands forward to block it, and my enhanced physical strength helps me, since I manage to come out of it unscathed. Unless sore arms can be considered a wound. 
“You’re strong, kid! You’re one of the few people to have blocked one of my fists!” 
I let out a "wohoo", surprised by my own strength, then throw a punch at Zenberu: he seems to take the blow but does nothing more than take a step back. 
“Icy Burst!” 
Suddenly I feel the air around me getting a whole lot colder, and a blizzard starts forming around me. I'm blinded by the wind and snow for a few seconds, and I start feeling pretty cold. 

Okay, focus…if I can't see them I can sense them. Now let me concentrate and…

"I've got you now!" 
Zenberu jumps towards me from above, but I was ready. I grab him in the air and throw him at Zaryusu. I hear some tumbling and some screams, so I imagine my throw was good. As the wind and snow scatter I see a big, tall and long wall of ice in front of me, and I don't see Zenberu or Zaryusu. 
"Let's try out a magic spell shall we?" 

I focus for a moment and a small fireball forms in my hand. The more I wait, the bigger it gets, and the more tiring it becomes to sustain. I throw it at the ice wall, shattering it to pieces. 
"Hey, where'd you learn to do that?!" Aura's surprised voice says to my left. 
"I have my resources." 
Zenberu and Zaryusu attack me both at the same time, so I draw my sword and block Zaryusu's attack, but Zenberu manages to land a punch on me and I'm sent flying back a few meters landing on my ass. 
"Ahh…that hurt…" 
I immediately get up and hiss at the two lizardmen, then I take my knife. I slash my arm with it and I feel the warm red liquid flowing out. 
"Why did you do that?" Zaryusu asks perplexed.
"You'll see." 
The wounded arm gets engulfed in a red flame, I put my knife back and make a long jump towards the two, I land in front of them and punch the ground, creating a shockwave which throws them in the air a few meters back. 

I have no idea how I did that, but I'm not complaining. 

The lizardmen get up and stand close to each other, probably waiting for my next move.

I'm starting to have fun.

I see my wound slowly closing on its own, and I find myself grinning in pleasure. I charge them, knocking out Zenberu with a punch to the chest, which sends him on the ground on his back. Zaryusu then fights back, trying a hammer kick, but I somehow dodge his attack and sweep his legs, making him lose balance and fall on his back.
"I believe we're done here." I say casually with a note of satisfaction. 
After a nice talk with Zaryusu and Zenberu, during which they also introduce Hamsuke, I have to excuse myself to leave since yesterday I'd promised Shalltear I'd help her with "an important job" she had for me.
"It was great to meet you, Mark Redfang. You're a strong warrior and a person of high caliber. Zenberu and I live on the 6th floor, come and see us when you have the chance." 
"It was nice meeting the two…the three of you as well. I will definitely come and visit anytime I can." 
I shake Zaryusu and Zenberu's hands, then I give Hamsuke a pet on the head and turn to Aura. 
"Can I train with them from now on?" I ask hopeful. 
"I'll ask Cocytus, but I don't see why not!" 
"Alright! Then I'll be going. I'll see you all soon." 
I grab my things and walk out of the Amphitheatrum, heading to the 1st floor. 

To Shalltear.

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