Chapter 1: A weird encounter

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My name's Mark. 

The last name's not important, I'm not from a noble family or anything. 

My mother is a tailor, and my dad...he died when I was born. 

So my mother decided to stupidly move from our farm village to E-Rantel for I don't know what reason. 

Then she even more stupidly decided to get married again. 

With Gauff. 

He's the perfect definition of an asshole and a person without any good feelings. 

And he always tries to beat me up. Always. 

Good thing I know a thing or two about hand-to-hand combat. 

You could say something like "study the magic arts" or "become an adventurer". There's also an adventurer guild in E-Rantel, but I don't have any talents, at least, not that I know of, so I see becoming a mage or a monster hunter as very unlikely, if not impossible. 

And now here I am, on a usual evening, arguing with my mum and Gauff. 

"Mark. Listen to me." My mum says sternly. 

"Why should I listen to you? You ruined your life with your own hands, marrying HIM." 

"You brat...take that back."

"Listen to your father, Mark."

My father. 

Weird way to call him. 

"That's a weird way to call a fat and useless drunkard." I hiss. 

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT! TAKE THAT BACK!" Gauff yells and takes a step towards me. 

I take a look around the living room, and I realize I can't stay in this place for another second. 

"I can't take this anymore, I'm leaving." I mutter and I walk out slamming the door. 

At least it's not the time for the seasonal war between the Kingdom and the Empire. 

Also because there's been a recent change in the ruler of E-Rantel. 

Yeah, that magic caster with the skeleton face. He supposedly massacred the Kingdom's army with some giant demonic beasts and with some overpowered spells. 

But I don't really give a shit, my situation's bad enough as it is. 

I'm fucking gonna go crazy someday, because of those two brainless idiots in the house. 

And they keep on insulting me like I was the cause of their unsuccess. 

After a not so long walk through the city, I manage to get out of the walls through a door not many people know of. 

It's...a door for contraband, let's say. And I know the guy who is responsible for said door, so I usually tell the guy guarding it that I know Johann and he lets me pass. 

Plus, I've gone through it so many times the guards know me by now. 

Then I get a little bit far from the city's walls and I go to my "favorite tree". 

It's a tree at the start of the treeline, and it's got a sort of natural chair on it. I sit on it a lot to think.

The moon is up...and it's full. It's giving a lot of light to the environment. 

"Fucking mum...fucking Gauff...fucking E-Rantel…" I start muttering as I approach the tree. 

I feel so angry I could bite off somebody's finger. 

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