Chapter 35: Hellish fury

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“Y-you…gave me your blood…”

Mark is acting weird…what's gotten into him now?

“Yes, I did…so what?” I ask and narrow my eyes, feeling a little perplexed. Suddenly a smile pops up on Mark’s face, a smile that I hadn’t seen in a very long time. He lets himself fall with his back on the bed again, with a very long and satisfied sigh.

He probably lost it…and it was probably my fault. Dammit

“Mark…whatever it is I did, I’m sorry and-”
“Sorry? Are you crazy?!” He yells springing up again with an incredulous smile on his face.

I am so confused right now. I thought he’d be mad or something, but it turns out he looks happy. But it probably wasn’t because of me, wasn’t it?

“I’ve…I’ve got your blood…” He whispers and clumsily gets up from the bed. He looks at me for another second, then he sighs in relief and shakes his head.

Why exactly is so happy?

“Y-yes, you do…but why are you so happy?”
Suddenly he realizes that he was maybe exaggerating just a little bit, and he kind of regains his composure.
“S-sorry, boss, I…I lost my temper there for a second.”

I saw that, but I don’t understand exactly why, even though I could read in his mind that it was because of the blood. And also because he said it out loud. But I don't really understand, since he hates me now.

“I could see that. But why are you so happy I gave you my blood?” I ask still a bit confused. Mark blushes quite a bit and looks away, shrugging.
“I…don’t know…” He whispers and takes another one of those weird looks at me.

He’s lying. But why would he lie about this? Bah, he’s weird sometimes. Maybe I’m not supposed to know or something…I should leave him some breathing room.

“Alright…do you feel in the mood to put yourself to use?” I ask feeling a bit guilty, since I'm basically pretending to give him orders after…everything, and I know that is not exactly a good idea, but he’s still my servant.
“Yeah, if it’s for you, of course…” He says with another one of those weird looks.

He’s been so weird since he woke up...he's starting to make me worry.

"Mark are you sure you're feeling alright?"

I just want to make sure he isn't crazy. But I wouldn't be surprised if he'd gone insane. And I certainly wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened. He was ready to sacrifice his life for me…and before that, I was ready to throw it away for my own desires. I don't know how much longer he would've lasted down there…maybe another week or so, but not more. I don't know where he found the energy to fight me, or to get up after I stabbed him. Maybe there's more to him than I'd imagined.

"Yeah…I'm feeling great." He answers and smiles warmly at me.

And now why is he being so kind all of a sudden? He looks like the Mark from his first months here.
He suddenly changed his behavior towards me. From when I woke up in the prison in E-Rantel, he's always behaved like he didn't care about me, no, like he hated me. And now he's being nice…

"Alright…if you say so…"

Seeing him acting so nice all of a sudden kind of threw me off guard, but at the same time it made me feel better about myself.

"I do! So what's my job?" He asks energetically.
"Oh…right. You…need to take another walk in the woods and gather some herbs. But this time, without me having to save you. Alright?"
He nods and jokingly gives me a salute, and starts walking away, but I grab his arm with a hand and I immediately regret doing that and take back my hand, getting a chill down my spine.

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