Our Babe 15-Rest

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Together With Me Mpreg Snippet

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Bright x Farm Angst





Farm's eyes flutters open. His surrounding is dim. What?

"Farm...," Farm tries to move his heavy eyes to the direction of the voice. He feels someone's hand caressing his hair. 

"Fluke...," Farm barely whispers the name out. Everything feels heavy for Farm. 

"Hey, take it easy," Fluke says gently and waits patiently as Farm adjusts his vision and tries to move his knotted muscles. Farm stops to take deep breaths when he feels his stomach hurt when he shifts. Slowly, he brings his heavy hand to his stomach. 



Fluke holds on to his hand and continue caressing his hair to sooth him. 

"Stay calm Farm, everything is ok, the baby is safe. It's ok, I promise," Fluke assures Farm who wouldn't take his eyes off him. What does he mean by the baby is safe? 

"Let Doctor Kit check on you ok, you just stay clam, please?" Fluke says and stands back. 

Doctor Kit appears in front of Farm with a smile. He didn't notice Doctor Kit's presence at all. The pretty doctor proceed to check Farm and when he reaches his stomach, Doctor Kit looks at him and smiles. 

"Khun Farm, I need you to relax, I'll explain your condition to you alright?" Farm nods tiredly. He looks at Fluke who gives him a assuring look. 

"Firstly, you will notice your stomach is a little flat because we performed an emergency C-section on you. Your baby is very safe. I wouldn't tell you the gender yet. When you feel better, you can have the nurse bring the baby to you ok?," 

Farm could only nod again. He gave birth already?

"Second, you were knocked out for...five days to be exact. When you were brought in and we checked you, your hormones were all over the place again which, caused your body to shut down and induced the delivery a few days earlier. We will have to monitor you still for a bit and until I say you are ok to leave, you are stuck here ok?" Doctor Kit summarizes. Farm can only look at Fluke. 

"I'll come back to check on you in another few hours. In the mean time, I need you to take your medicine and continue to rest. Am I clear?" Doctor Kit asks Farm. Farm looks at the doctor and attempts to do a small wai. Doctor Kit returns the wai and left. 

Fluke goes near Farm. 

"Baby...," Farm whispers again, his eyes growing heavy and sleepy once again. 

Fluke smiles, "Sleep Farm, I'll be right here when you wake up," 

Farm lets go. 


Fluke closes the door and heads to the baby nursery and as he thought, the familiar figure is still standing there. He says nothing as he stops in front of the nursery glass. Looking at the same baby as the person is. 

"He is finally awake," Fluke says after a while. Bright looks at him. 

"How is he? Is he alright? What did the doctor said?" 

The worrying tone is evident. Fluke nods gently ,"Doctor Kit said he still needs to stay for monitoring until the doctor releases him," Bright returns to staring one particular tiny wriggly baby. 

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