Our Babe 12-Relief

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Together With Me Mpreg Snippet

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Bright x Farm Angst


"Doctor Kit, how's Farm?"

Fluke rushes to the doctor the moment he comes out of the emergency room. The doctor is shorter than Fluke and Bright but nevertheless a very attractive person.

"Let's talk after we wheel Farm into his private room," Doctor Kit advises and notices Bright, standing a distant away, looking worried.

"P'Bright, what are you doing here?" Doctor Kit wais him politely.

Bright nods and returns the wai. He explains to Fluke that Kit was his junior during his housemanship years but a qualified doctor now at the same hospital.

"P'Bright's a friend. He was with us when Farm fainted. He drove us here," Fluke explains. Kit nods as they start walking closely to the gurney pushing out an unconscious Farm. Bright couldn't help observing how frail Farm looked with all those lines hooked to his hand.

They reach a private room. Bright hesitates and stops, to watch the few nurses push the still unconscious Farm in.

"P'Bright?" Fluke asks.

"Do you mind waiting for me? I'll be out as soon as I can after a word with the doctor,"

Bright could only nod to the request. Of course, Fluke is not going to invite a total stranger in. Who does he think he is? Bright stands by the door. Fluke closes the door gently and does not notice when the door fail to shut tight. Bright couldn't believe his luck. He edges nearer.

"It's half stress and half fatigue. His medical report says his hormones spiked all over the place. No wonder he passed out. His body couldn't handle it, not with the baby and everything he is feeling right now. What triggered his condition? He was fine the last time," Dr Kit asks. Fluke shakes his head.

"Farm takes your advice really seriously doc, since that incident,"

Since 'that' incident? What happened? Bright's curiosity peeks.

"He takes his meals on time, never studies more than 2 hours a time and sleeps early. Even recently he starts playing piano to relax himself. He should be alright," Fluke recalls every detail.

"Then it's strange that his body gave in like that. Perhaps it was something unexpected? Anything out of the ordinary happened the past few days?"

"Well if you count meeting P'Bright as something unexpected but that couldn't be. Farm never mention knowing P'Bright. P'Bright never mentions knowing him either,"

"Whatever that was, I want you to keep an eye on Farm. He mustn't get all stressed out now with the baby almost coming. He needs all the rest he can get," Doctor Kit stresses.

Farm never told Fluke about him. Bright feels the sweat on his palms.

"He is awake. Hey, how are you feeling?" Bright hears the doctor say. Farm is waking. How he wants to just rush in to check on Farm but he stops himself.

"Hey, you okay?" Fluke gently brushes Farm's hair away from his eyes.

"Wha...what happened?" Farm stirs tiredly. He feels sluggish and his vision still blurry. He attempts to move his body Fluke calms him down.

"Stay still, you passed out, remember?" Farm shakes his head gently. Touching his stomach, suddenly he starts panting heavily.

"Baby...is he...ok? Please...my baby...," Farm begs.

From the gap, Bright peeks in, he could hear Farm's desperation. Did something happened to him for him to fear for his unborn child? He clings on to Fluke.

"Farm, calm down. The baby's all safe. Relax. Let me check on you ok?" Bright feels guilty again when Farm starts crying again. Fluke is busy trying to comfort him.

"Farm, like I told you before, you have to take it easy for the baby so no more crying now ok? You are fine. I just need to keep you in tonight to monitor and if you feel better, you can go home tomorrow ok? Good. Now take care of him Fluke, I'll be back later,"

Bright quickly distances himself from the door and takes a seat on the opposite bench.

"How is he doing?" Bright asked casually, pretending he didn't just eavesdrop the whole conversation.

"P'Bright, you know the rules. If you aren't family, I can't exactly disclose any information but for tonight, momma and baby are fine. I'll excuse myself now, see you again," Doctor Kit wais Bright who returns the greeting.

Momma and baby are fine for tonight. What about tomorrow?

Bright's desire to know Farm's condition grows stronger. He doesn't understand why he did not just walk away like his said he would. Ever since bumping into Farm again and seeing him with his big belly, carrying a new life, Bright couldn't stop thinking about him. All he could think of now is Farm. All he could think of is making amends to Farm.

"P'Bright? I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, I have to make sure he falls asleep again before I leave," Bright's thoughts cut short with Fluke appearing in front of him again.

"Not a problem. I'm glad to hear he is alright now, I mean, I heard that from Dr. Farm," Fluke smiles.

"I'm glad too. Actually, more relieved. The last time...never mind, it's the past,"

"What happened last time?" Bright insists. He wants to know. Fluke looks at him, puzzled at the question.

"I mean, I'm a doctor too. Perhaps I could help or recommend a specialist or something," Bright diverts his true intention. Fluke nods again in agreement.

"Maybe I'll tell you on the way? Would I trouble you too much if I ask for your help to drive me to Farm's place to pack a few things and then to the coffee shop to get my car?" Fluke asks.

"Of course not. I have no plans for the day. I can drive you," Bright offers immediately.

"Thank you so much P'Bright. I really appreciate your help. I'm sure Farm will too,"

"Not a problem. I want to help in any way I can,"

Fluke smiles and thanks the doctor again.

To Bright, this is only his strategy to creep back slowly into Farm's life. All he wants now is the chance to care for Farm.

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