Our Babe 04-Home Sweet Home

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Home Sweet Home

For Knock, when his 3rd baby turned out to be another little boy, he was not sure if he should be grateful for another obviously, ridiculously handsome son (looks taking after Korn of course) or to brace himself for another troublemaker pest in the family.

Resting on his hospital after his C-Section, he suddenly felt much lighter. The human he was carrying for the past few months finally arrived into the world wailing loudly (lungs taking after Knock of course). When Doctor Bright passed him the still puny baby, suddenly all Knock wanted to do was to cry, which he did. He wailed as loud as the baby. Doctor Bright wasn't sure if he needed to sedate him as well.

Knock never one day thought he will be producing humans with his childhood best friend, turned lovers, turned soul mates, turned parents. The entire time, Korn was with him, filming the entire gory scene of cutting the stomach and taking out of Prince Number 3. Knock recalled the time he was giving birth to Prince Number 1, Korn actually fainted even before the procedure started. It was Yihwa who recorded the birth, complete with extra scenes of Korn fainting ugly and sobbing like an idiot holding the baby after. And a lot of Knock screaming and cursing at Korn for knocking him up.

It is true that experiences gained from the same situation sometimes toughen you up. When Prince Number 3 was about to arrive, Knock was impressed with how Korn handled the situation. Baby Birthday kits all ready, admittance procedures done and Korn actually drilled their two elder boys what to expect when mommy and new baby come home. And not only Korn did not faint during the labor, Korn was explicitly explaining what the doctor was doing to Knock the entire time while recording and cracking jokes.

Knock smiled to himself. How time has passed. Inside the room, Knock felt at peace. He didn't want to sleep anymore and all he wanted to do was to hold his baby and cuddle with him. That and to see his other sons. How much he missed them even though it was only a few hours ago since they last met.

Suddenly the door burst and two boisterous little boys rush in, followed by Korn who was holding the door for the nurse to wheel in their youngest prince.

"Momma!" both boys called out but in a softer tone than they usually do. Korn must have told them to keep it down. Korn thanked the nurse as she was going out.

"Hey buddies, how are you doing? Why are you guys so excited?" Knock asked tiredly as his two boys bounce up and down to kiss their mother on the cheek. The boys look really excited.

"Momma, we can't wait to play with baby brother. He is so cute!" Knock smiled at his second born. His second born is more passionate to pets.

"Momma, when will you be coming back?" his first born asked. He looked exactly like a mini Korn.

"Soon baby. If the doctor said I'm ok and your brother's ok, then we can come home in a few days," Knock replied, patting his son's head who looked like he is about to cry. His first born was a lot stickier to him, just like Korn.

"Buddy, come on, what did we talk about before?" Korn chipped in from the side, taking a seat gently on the hospital bed.

"That we are big brothers now and we have to help momma take care of the babe," Knock smiled at the answer. He loves his boys so much.

"That's right buddy. You know what, why don't Por give you some money to get ice-cream with your brother? Your reward for being good big brothers?" Korn said, fishing out a 50 baht to the boys who immediately ran out of the room with a bang, waking the baby who began to squirm. Korn carefully held him up to Knock.

"How're you feeling honey?" Korn asked, placing a kiss on Knock's forehead.

"Fat but empty," Knock said, snuggling closer to his third born, inhaling the baby powder.

"Doesn't matter, I love you all the same," Korn said, cheesy as ever. They stay in a comfortable silence.

"Thank you na Knock," Korn said after a while. Knock smiled.

"What for?" Knocked asked, knowing the answer but no harm listening again.

"For being the love of my life, for being my family and for giving me a family," Korn said.

"You do know this will be the last one right?" Knock teased.

"But we haven't got a girl yet! We can't stop," Korn said, genuinely in horror at the thought of no more babies. Knock sighed, feeling too tired to yell at his spouse now.

"Whatever, I have no energy to argue with you. Let me sleep now with my baby. Go make sure your sons don't overload themselves with sugar," Knock said, yawning. Korn bends down to kiss Knock on the lips.

"I'll be right back. Just rest. I love you and baby so much," Korn said and with that, he left.

Knock smiled as he snuggled closer to his little baby. Life is perfect for Knock now.


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