Story 10-Crime Scene Investigation

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Together With Me Snippet


Crime Scene Investigation

Korn: *Knock pulls his ears to the living room sofa* Knock baby, I am sorry!

Knock: You said enough sorry. Now sit.

Korn: Baby, please, trust me, I didn't flirt with those girls. They came on to me.

Knock: I don't mean the girls. I mean your ex.

Korn: Baby, which one? They are all at the party!

Knock: You know what? Never mind. Look what I have got?

Korn: Season 1-15 of Crime Scene Investigation. What about it?

Knock: This is my favorite series of all time. My engineer friend from another college recommended me. Said his wife watched it too.

Korn: Oh drama time? Let's watch it together babe.

Knock: Nah, I have gone through them all. So now's your turn. It's for you to study.

Korn: *uneasy* Study what baby?

Knock: About more than 300 ways how one can die and how to get rid of the bodies.

Korn gulps.

Knock: The next time any of your exes gate crashes my birthday party, bear in mind you may end up like the one guy with a chopped dick.

Knock walks away while Korn starts sweating.

Yihwa: Girl, is there really an episode with a chopped dick?

Knock: How would I know?

Yihwa: You said you watched them all!?

Knock: Girlfriend, that's what you say to train your dumb husband.

Yihwa: You are nasty.

Knock: I know, you taught me well.

Yihwa: I'm a proud mom.


Written: 1st August 2018

Writer's Note: I like CSI series. I like New York the best. 

Story About Us @ Together With Me The Series [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora