Our Babe 14-Request

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Together With Me Mpreg Snippet

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Bright x Farm Angst


Farm notice the subtle approaches Bright is taking. Since Fluke insists that he stay with him for the rest of the duration until the baby comes, he starts noticing Bright's visits to Fluke's apartment becoming more frequent but usually nothing more than one hour stay. At first Farm takes to hiding in the room but when Fluke asks if there is a reason Farm is hiding when Bright is around, he decides to come out to greet him at least. 

Gradually, Farm also notice how Bright rarely keeps long eye contacts with him after giving his polite greetings. Soon, Farm begins to sit in longer when Bright comes over. Farm is surprised to find out how much in common he has with Fluke, from cars to investments to sports, things he never talked about with Bright when they were together.

Bright is definitely good in finding excuses to bring things for Farm, usually random toys for the unborn baby or health and supplement food he supposedly had extra from his imaginary relative. Farm knew it was a lie since Bright has no other living family or relatives. Farm doesn't know why he just doesn't tell Fluke about Bright. He just never flike he wants to.

Farm glances at the clock. It's only a little while pass lunch. Fluke is at work now and wouldn't be back for another few hours. Staying at home, all he could do is to read his books now that his exams are over. He is happy he safely sat for his exams and now he only has to wait for graduation. Farm gets excited thinking how he will bring his little baby to celebrate his graduation in just a few months.

Everything will be fine.

The door bell rang and Farm looks towards the door. Farm stands up from the sofa and stabilizes himself before he walks towards the door.

Perhaps Fluke has forgotten something but Fluke has his own keys. Farm looks through the peephole.


What is he doing here at this hour?

Farm's body moves by himself and before he know it, he already opened the door.

"Farm," the eye contact was brief. Bright looks away as quickly.

"What are you doing here? Fluke is not home," Farm say. He grips on the door and is mentally to slam the door back if necessary.

"I...not here to see Fluke. I am here to see you, to talk,"

"I have nothing to talk to you, please leave," Farm ends it and attempt to close the door but Bright stops it half way.

"Please. Just this one time. It will be the last, I promise," Bright's tone pleading.

Farm doesn't know if this is the correct thing to do but he let go of the door and lets him in.

Farm is not sure what is he doing sitting opposite of Bright.

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