Our Babe 03-Knock's Worst Nightmare

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Together With Me Mpreg Snippet


Knock's Worst Nightmare

Knock: Korn! Come back this instance! NOW!

Korn: But I want to play football!

Knock: Korn! You are 8 months pregnant and you are about to pop our baby out anytime now, it's dangerous, in, NOW!

Korn: But....our baby wants to play football! It's craving for me to play football.

Knock: I have never heard of a pregnant person craving to play football, get back in, NOW! Or I will tell your ma and she will come after you.

Korn: No! Please don't tell Yihwa, I promise I will be....owww...ouch...OUCH! My water broke! OH MY GOD I AM GONNA DIE! Knock! HELP ME!

Knock woke up with a jolt. He sweats profusely. What a nightmare. His heavy breathing got Korn's attention who's still reading beside him.

Korn: What's up baby? You ok? You are sweating like crazy.

Knock: I had the worst nightmare. In it I saw you being pregnant! How can that be?

Korn: Honey, it's just a bad dream, our baby's still safely inside you. Feel.

Korn brings Knock's hand to his own stomach. Yup the baby is still safe with him.

Korn: You know, I might not mind being preggo myself.

Knock: Not in a million years would I entrust you with carrying a baby or anything alive for that matter.

Korn: Does that mean you will be carrying the next one too?

Knock: As if I have a choice.

Korn: Ok, let's make another one now.

Knock: Go away you horny bastard, I have to pop this one out first before I can have another one.

Korn: So, can we practice first?

Knock:....fine. Just one round.

They didn't stop until dawn.


Written: 16th May 2018

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