Our Babe 10-Regret

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Together With Me Mpreg Snippet


Bright x Farm Angst


8 months later...

Of all people he could bump into, Dr Bright bumps into the one person he least expected to meet. While startled, Bright also notices the of prescription paper the person drops. The person is obviously surprised to bump into him as well.

If Bright wasn't assigned to cover up for a colleague at this faraway hospital today, he wouldn't have met Farm. Quickly Bright picks up the paper Farm dropped. Special prescription for supplement for male pregnancies.


"Thank you,"

Bright hesitantly gives Farm back the paper.

Farm gives a polite smile while accepting the paper. He wouldn't look directly at Bright. Bright just notices how Farm is dressed. In long sleeves wool shirt matched with a pinafore out.

An obvious attempt to cover the bulging stomach.

The baby.

Farm put his arms on his stomach automatically when Bright's stare lingers, as if to protect his unborn child. Bright suddenly feels like an asshole.

"How long are you?" Bright blurts out. Farm obviously didn't expect this question at all. He ponders if he should answer or bail. Bailing by running isn't the best option now for Farm.

"Seven and...half...," Farm's voice soft. Bright could tell Farm is extremely uncomfortable around right now. As if he is afraid.

"You, didn't go through the abort-,"

"PLEASE, don't worry about it Dr Bright," Farm's sudden burst of volume surprises Bright. Farm continues, "I gave you my word that I'll never ever bother you. I didn't bump into you on purpose today," Farm finished the sentence and takes a step back.

Bright is taken aback by Farm's defensiveness. Hardly a surprise. Memories of how Bright dumped Farm after Farm confessed his pregnancy, how Bright's only response was asking Farm to get rid of the of the child came flooding to him.

Memories of how he immediately left Farm all alone in his condo and cuts off every pleas and communication attempts from Farm to meet and discuss the situation. Farm finally gave up and stopped contacting him after sending him a final text about how cruel Bright was 5 months ago,  Farm packed and left. Farm's spare key to Bright's condo was left with a neighbor. When Bright got back, it was as if Farm never exist before.

The only one time he accidentally sent a text after he was drunk, was undelivered.

Farm has cut him off.

"Farm...I didn't mean it, I-" Farm takes another step back when Bright advances.

"I don't care what you meant. Please leave me and my baby alone,"

Bright could hear Farm's slightly breaking. His face getting paler.

"Honey, you ok?" Another voice cuts out of nowhere and another man appears from behind Bright, walking to Farm's side, arms around Farm's shoulder to stabilize him. Farm gasps in relief.

Bright stares at the man and vice versa.

"I'm, I'm fine. I'm...on my way to the pharmacy to get the medicine," Farm says and edges nearer to the man, as if hoping he can shield him from Bright.

"I see, and this is...?"

"I'm Bri-,"

"He is a passerby doctor," Farm cuts off Bright before he could finish.

What's the sudden pang Bright is feeling?

"He was kind enough to pick up the prescription paper for me when it fell on the floor. Thank you, doctor. Can we leave please? I am tired," Farm says, tugging the man's sleeve.

"Of course. Let's get the medicine and go home," the man says, giving Bright a polite wai and returns to guiding Farm away gently.

Bright could only watch how that man is so gentle with Farm. To Farm, that man is someone who takes care of him. To Farm, Bright was the former boyfriend asshole who broke his heart. He could only imagine how Farm has to go through the shit of dealing with his broken heart and his pregnancy all by himself.

Bright watches until both the man and Farm disappears into the lift to the car park. He was about to leave when he notices something on the floor. A yellow handkerchief. Farm's. Bright picks it up.

Maybe this is a sign.

Maybe this is Bright's chance to do something. To set things right.


Author's Note: I can do this. 

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