Our Babe 06-Sushi Roll

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Together With Me Mpreg Snippet


Sushi Roll

"I'm home!" Knock called out but received no answer.

Knock barely managed to close the door to his front house holding bags of groceries. Kicking off his shoes, he wobbled pass the living room and into the kitchen to put down his grocery bags.

Walking out the kitchen, he felt quiet. He passed by his living room and peeked. The TV was off but the floor, strewn with toys. Knock sighed. He wasn't exactly angry that the father of the toy owners didn't make them clean up, just annoyed that the father was usually more relaxed when it is his turn to babysit.

Walking up the stairs and approaching the nursery, he heard shrieks and laughter and a man'a voice pretending to be a dinosaur.

"Hahaha! I, the mighty T-Rex has caught you! Now I will roll you up and eat you as sushi! My minion will help me" Knock smiled, leaning against the door fringe and smiled.

He watched as the T-Rex Korn caught his second prince, wrestled him on the playmat and then start rolling him up in between like sushi. His second prince squealed in delight and his first prince laughed while helping his evil T-Rex dad tie his brother up as a human sushi. The little boy couldn't move and started wriggling cutely.

"And suddenly, the big T-Rex gets even hungrier and decide to eat, his loyal minion, as sushi!" Korn suddenly turned to his older prince, grabbed him and started rolling him up with another piece of playmat and tied him up. The little boy shrieked loudly all the way.

"Momma! Help us!" His second prince noticed Knock standing by the door when he wriggled. Korn turned around. Knock gave him the look. Korn gulped.

"Oh no! The Super Momma is back! T-Rex Dad also wants to eat Super Momma, ROAR!" Korn got up and walked like a dinosaur towards Knock and immediately kissed him on the lips.

"Ewwww," their first born said, wriggling from his mat.

"Ewwww," the second boy echoed his brother. Knock smiled.

"Hey, do you want Super Momma to save you two or should I leave you to be human sushi roll?" Knock teased, Korn's hands on his butt and squeezed.

"Save us Momma! Save us!" His second boy pleaded.

"Then I have to unleash my Kiss of Death to knock this evil T-Rex Dad to save you guys. Watch!" Knock played along, grabbed Korn and pulled him into a deep kiss.

When he let go, he whispered," Now, you are dead T-Rex Dad,"

Korn, face slightly flushed pretended to moan and groan and fell to the floor dramatically. Knock walked over to until his two human sushi rolls.

"Momma, that Kiss of Death was ewww," older boy said, hugging his momma.

"Ewww," the second boy followed and hugged his momma too. The three of them turned to the "dead" T-Rex.

"Ok, what do we do with the dead T-Rex?" Knock asked. Korn opened and eye and smiled.

"T-REX SUSHI ROLL!" both boys shouted and dragged their huge play mat over their dad and started rolling their dead T-Rex dad in.

"Ok, let Super Momma help you guys, pass me the ropes," Knock said as he fastened the knot to hold Korn in his sushi shape.

"Now boys, do you want to eat ice cream or this T-Rex sushi?"

"ICE-CREAM!" both boys shouted excitedly.

"Good choice. Now shall we leave this sushi, go clean up your toys and then have our ice-cream?" Knock asked again.

"YES MOMMA" and with that both boys ran downstairs to clean their toys. Knock smiled and stood up to leave.

"Hmmm, honey, you think you want to untie this T-Rex?" Korn wriggled. The knots holding are pretty tight.

"Nope, you are "dead". Continue playing sushi. See ya," Knock smirked and left the room while Korn moaned to be let out.

Mother and sons forgot their dad until they finished their desserts.


Written: 19th August 2018

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