Our Babe 01-Knocked Up

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Together With Me Mpreg Snippet


Knocked Up

Yihwa: Hello, this is the awesome Yihwa speaking, how can I shine your day even more?

Korn: Umm... mom?

Yihwa: Yes my darling, what is it now? Knock kicked you out of the room again?

Korn: Umm.... sort of.

Yihwa: Then what have you done? Did he found your porn stash?

Korn: He did but he enjoyed watching it too so no...

Yihwa: Then you talked to another cute dude and he caught you?

Korn: No...I never meet anyone but him the past week, I swear.

Yihwa: You want to do him too much so now he puts you on sex ban?

Korn: No, I don't think so...we just finished and he kicked me out right after.

Yihwa: Darling dear, if you don't know what you have done wrong then mommy can't help you. Or you got him knocked up and I'm gonna be a grandma?

Korn: How did you know? Yeah....I think so...?

Yihwa: Korn... you kidding? I'm kidding, listen, HA HA HA. I'm kidding. I'm too young to be a grandma.

Korn: I don't think so, he told me he is knocked up, it's mine.

Yihwa: Ok... so how did you react?

Korn: I said, oh...

Yihwa: With your dumbass face?

Korn: Yeah... I think so.

Yihwa: *sighs* Ok honey, this is what you do. First go buy a bunch of flowers and then his favorite chicken wings. When you get home, beg for forgiveness and get him to the doctor as soon as you can. Get?

Korn: Ok.... thank you mom.

Yihwa: And then...hello? HELLO? Great that stupid son hang up on me. Ah well. Time for beauty mask. I'm gonna be a hot grandma.


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