" Madame try to understand you're getting weak! From these past weeks you've been eating very less we're concerned about you! " Maria tried to make her understand but she shook her head again...

" why my aini is not eating anything? " came a voice and Aina instantly smiled and turned to see Marta standing there with a raised brow, Her eyes instantly watered seeing the women whom she considerd as her mother figure, she directly ran and embraced her in a tight hug and sobbed in her shoulders...

" Mar I missed you! " Aina cried in mars embrace and Mar just rubbed her back in comforting manner " Shhh... Enough baby girl, I'm here and I missed you too and my munchkin! " Mar stated while Aina pulled away wiping her tears...

" it's good that you came back, how's everyone in New zealand ! " Aina asked as Marta visited her sister family in New zealand for the past couple of weeks...

" everyone is doing good but why are you not eating anything huh? " Mar asked while making her seat on the kitchen bar stool, while she sat on the other and began to cut the pancakes in pieces and feeding her despite her protest..

" finally she agreed to you Mar! " Maria said while grinning and Marta smiled at her..

" I'm only eating because it's tasty not because she's feeding me! " Aina said while trying to be annoyed but she was happy that Mar was back, at least now she will have someone to talk to wholeheartedly! after all she was the one who was with her almost all the time since she lost her family...

Mar smiled she really missed Aina and her little munchkin, she was gone to New Zealand for a month because her sister persisted to spend sometime with her and Mar agreed because she too has missed her niece and nephews...

After feeding her, both the ladies walked in the living room and began to catch up on what they missed while she was not here and they lost the track of time by chatting anonymously! at least it kept her distracted Her from her current problems...

Naina entered the living room while munching on her hazelnut bar and on seeing Marta naina squealed and ran in her direction, she engulfed her in a tight hug and kissed her cheeks yelling Granny...

" easy there munchkin you're granny is back! " Mar said as she ruffled her hair and she was not able to control her excitement, she dragged Mar along with her to her room so she could show her what she painted and learned in school, she was a chirpy kid who captures everyone's heart...

Aina smiled seeing her munchkin happy then she made her way towards their room, she did the ablution and started praying her duhr Salah after completing her obligatory, sunnah and supererogatory prayers she started doing dikhr while counting on her fingers....

While doing dikhr, she remembered the some Hadees regarding chanting..

Hadhrat mu'adh ibn jabal said that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also said " the people of paradise will not regret one thing except one thing alone; the hour that passed them by and I'm which they made no remembrance of Allah ﷻ "

-- Naratted by Bayhaqi

Shu ' ab Al iman .

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said :

" count (tasbih) on your fingers for they ( The fingers) will be Questioned and asked to speak ( on the day of judgement) .

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