🍋☁️ Couch | Kamimina ☁️🍋

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Third Person POV
Mina was sitting in her room, calmly doing her homework. She was listening to Queen (because who wouldn't) and was completely content with the situation. Until, of course...

"Babeeeeee!" Denki whined. Mina smiled a bit and took out an earbud, looking towards her boyfriend.

"What now, Denki?" Mina asked, rolling her eyes with a smile.

"You're making me feel like you love your homework more than me." Denki whined, rolling over on their bed.

Yes, their bed, the principal allowed them to, since they could afford it, buy a small two-story house off campus and live there. They also shared with Izuku and Kiri, who were dating as well. So, their bed.

"Oh shut up, you know that's not true, I just don't want an F in Aizawa-sensei's class." Mina smiles at her pouty Denki.

"Prove it."

Mina raised an eyebrow expectantly at Denki's statement, taking out her other earbud. Denki walked over to her as she turned around back towards her homework.

He kneeled down behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed at her neck and back.

"Denki, stop-" Mina started, getting flustered rather quickly.

But he didn't stop, on the contrary. He kissed up her neck and to her jaw, smirking to himself as her breathing shallowed and she wasn't able to focus on her homework.

"Denki, I s-said stop..."

Again, Denki didn't stop.

"Ngh~" Mina breathed, out of pleasure and annoyance.

"HEY BROS-" None other than Kiri exclaimed, bursting through the door to see his best friend all over his mother figure. His innocent face changed from excited to full-on traumatized.


Denki burst out laughing as Kiri ran screaming out of the room for his boyfriend. Mina, however, was flustered and fuming.

"YOU-" Mina shouted, standing from her chair with a very red face and wobbling knees.


"You're joining me!" Denki said, smirking. He dragged her to the couch; it was late, so why not sleep now. He flopped onto the couch and she fell on top of her boyfriend.

Denki wrapped his arms around Mina's waist, massaging small circles on her hips. Her legs were on either side of his hips. He began to rub his lower half on hers, smirking mischievously.

"Agh-" Mina said, fighting back a small moan as her boyfriend softly grinded on her. She covered her mouth, shutting her eyes as he continued.

Denki chuckled, feeling victorious. "What was that? Did you say something, babe?" He said, his tone evilly mischievous. Mina tried to hit his arm, but her muscles were weak from the pleasure.

"Ngh~ Denki, stop it," She whined, grinding down on him. She was aroused-

"Doesn't seem like you want me to, baby." He said with a smirk. He kissed her neck softly, nibbling. He left a few hickeys on her neck, occasional moans slipping from her mouth.

if you want me to make a pt2 comment?

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