Short Protectiveness Skit | No specific ship

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Bakugou screams at Deku for breathing, and leaves the classroom for lunchtime.

Everyone else follows.

and yeet the day continues anyway

at the end of the day, Bakugou sees Deku and decides to trip him. He falls flat on his face, and Bakugou steps on his hand harshly.

Kirishima and Mina are watching from afar, and Deku starts crying, being comforted by a close-by Ochako.

The same exact thing happened the next day, but no Ochako. Bakugou stands there, smirking evilly down at Deku as Mina prepares to murder him from afar. Kirishima gets some of Sero's tape and detains her, in fear of her murdering his Bakugou.

She snarls sharply, which Bakugou actually heard. The look of pure hatred and anger on Mina's face actually caused Bakugou to become terrified.

Let's just say he got a nice, long

beating by his mother (mina) with a couch.

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