skippable rant

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hey guys. i've just got a lot on my conscious right now and i just... need it off my chest.
So, in real life, i was born a girl. However, I've made the decision to now be genderfluid. I go by they/them and she/her, but on here you can call me Mina, Mama, MamaMina, or my pronouns.
My parents don't know, and I'd like to keep it that way. My brother especially doesn't really support this stuff...
Anyway, i've always wanted to get a binder and short short haircut. I just don't know how I'd look. It's a big thing. I already cut about five inches off my super long hair, but getting it boy short would be like, seven more inches.
I'm also constantly confused sexuality wise between pansexual and bisexual.
I know i'm not fully lesbian/gay or straight, and I do not have a problem with dating a trans person or anyone like that. I just don't know.
And shit is getting real, I mean, i'm barely a teenager and i feel like i carry the weight of worlds.
I use writing, drawing, watching anime and reading as healthy-ish coping methods because as long as i'm not cutting anymore, i'm proud of myself. I've held it out this long, and what's the point in giving up so far in?
Anyways, just always know that i'm here for you if you need to talk. I love you all my little aliens, good night and good day!

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