Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

After planning to head for the mountains, everyone had promptly fallen asleep. As the morning light comes streaming in through the old building's many faults, you shift awake and blink open your sleepy eyes. The fire is now a pile of ash and remaining wood scraps, and the rest of the Gladers and Aris are sprawled across the sandy floor, yet to be awoken from a much needed sleep. You push yourself up to lean on your elbows and look to your right to see Newt. He's using one of his arms as a pillow and has the other rested protectively across your legs. You smile down at his peaceful state and the soft, golden hair that's falling over his face. His eyes start to slowly flicker open and he pulls back his hand to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He returns his arm to its original position draped over your legs and realizes he's right next to you.

"Hey," he says in a husky morning voice, smiling up at you. You reach down and brush back his hair to see his eyes. The early sunlight reflects off them and they appear golden as he gazes up at you from his resting position.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks.

"Good enough for being in an old building in the middle of the desert." you respond, pushing yourself up to sit back against the wall. Newt hugs your legs to him and rests his head atop your knees.

"Sort of feels like all of this isn't real." You run your fingers slowly through his hair.

"I know. It all happened so fast we didn't even have time to process it." Newt's voice is slightly muffled due to his face resting on your legs.

"I almost feel numb." You tilt back your head and it collides with the wall with slightly more force than intended, but you pay no mind to the dull pain that pangs in the back of your skull.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I can't really feel anything anymore. I've been hurting for too long and I just feel... numb." You sigh and close your eyes. Newt quickly sits up when you say this. He finds your hands and holds them in his own, making you pick your head up to look at him.

"Flora, I know it seems like we're hopeless right now, but promise me you won't give up on us." his voice is laced with sincerity and worry.

"I know you all expect me to be this ray of light, but it's getting hard to keep up the act." you admit sadly.

"I know. Trust me, I've been in a pretty dark place. But you can't give in. We need you." Newt squeezes your hands. "Please. You're all we've got."

The pain in his voice makes something switch inside you. Something about his face displays a look of such sadness that makes you want to break down. You can't bear to see him so upset.

"I could never give up on you guys. You're stuck with me for life." you say with a smile. Newt smiles with relief and lets go of one of your hands, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear.

"You're amazing." he whispers, looking deeply into your eyes.

"So I've been told." you smirk. Newt's hand slips down to the side of your neck, his thumb resting on your cheek. He starts to lean towards you and pulls your face to him. You gratefully accept his sweet kiss onto your lips. No matter how many times he kisses you, it always feels like the first time. The rush of joy through your body and the rapid wings of butterflies in your stomach never cease when his lips are on yours.

The kiss is short and sweet and he pulls away with a small smile.

"Do I get to do that all the time now?" he asks.

"If you want." you shrug jokingly. Newt smiles and plants another quick kiss on your lips. Suddenly your stomach aches with hunger and you clench an arm around your middle.

Opia (Newt x OC) -The Maze Runner-Where stories live. Discover now