Chapter 5

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  (Just a quick explanation the picture is what I envisioned her tattoo to look like)

Chapter 5

Later that night, the fire pit in the Hall is finally finished and everyone eats around the fire to celebrate its completion. After everyone is finished, you slip out of the room and quickly run to the Homestead, returning triumphantly with your guitar. Everyone cheers and you find a spot beside Newt to sit down. You look up through the open hatch in the roof and see the stars glistening down. Everyone settles down and gets comfortable and enjoys the warmth of the fire and you start to play. The first thing that comes to mind is the song you remember from the memory of Newt. Your hands move instinctively as if you've played it a thousand times before. You're pretty sure there's words to it but you can't remember any of them and you just strum the melody. The rest of the Gladers listen intently and hang onto every note. Your music always put them in such a calm state. 

Suddenly, from somewhere in the room, someone is singing. You continue to play and look around to see Minho quietly muttering lyrics to the song. Then Frypan joins in a little louder and more confident in the words. Alby starts to drum a beat on his legs. You smile at them and realize this must've been a well-known song to everyone before the maze and before they forgot everything about the world. As more Gladers remember the words, they start to come back to you too and you sing along with them. It's a special moment and you all feel united and like a real family. You hear Newt start to sing next to you and look over to smile at him. The song ends and everyone applauds themselves and cheers because they remembered something about their lives. You can see in a dark and distant corner that Gally is sulking against the wall. Newt notices you looking over at him and is about to tell you not to worry about it but you speak up before he can.

"Hey, Gal!" you call out over the noise and chatter. Gally looks at the wall and doesn't respond.

"Gally!" you call again. He shifts his arms and clears his throat but still doesn't look at you.

"Come on! Come sit with everyone!" you encourage him. Some of the others join in and try to beckon him over to the group. He finally sighs and turns his eyes to you in a glare. You stick out your lip at him in faux disappointment. Newt starts to laugh but stifles it when Gally starts moving through the room menacingly. It starts to get quiet as everyone watches him approach you. You're unfazed and return his stare with what you hope is a confident face. He stops just in front of the fire and looks around at everyone.

"Well? What do you want?" he asks the group coldly. You shrug innocently.

"We just want you to sing with us Gal." you say in a sweet voice. He huffs and crosses his arms, looking into the fire. You give him a playful grin and strum your guitar once, which sends a goofy twang through the room and makes some of the Gladers snicker.

"I've told you before. Don't shucking call me that." Gally grumbles and glares down at you.

"But I can call you that right, Gal? Because we're best bros." Minho pipes in from across the fire. There's a wave of laughter over the room but it's short-lived. Gally clenches his fists by his sides and turns to walk away. You're about to shrug off the whole interaction and you start to pluck at your guitar strings once again, playing something you taught to the boys a while back. You barely play the first few notes when Gally whips back around and shoots you a death glare.

"Will you stop playing that shucking piece of junk?!" he fumes. Everyone scooches back from where they're sitting. You freeze and look up at him with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" you say, almost about to laugh at the absurdity of his outburst.

"You're excused." he spits. "You're excused from playing your klunk music around here anymore. You're obnoxious and foul and you're so fake, Flora! You're fake!" He starts to lean over you but you don't even flinch. He gets right up in your face and you look straight through him with your piercing blue eyes. He finally goes quiet and tears his eyes away from yours.

Opia (Newt x OC) -The Maze Runner-Where stories live. Discover now