Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

She could feel herself being launched upward as she shifted in and out of consciousness. She tried to open her eyes but all around her was dark and she blacks out again. She has no idea where she is, or even who she is, but her unconscious thoughts are interrupted as she suddenly came to a sharp halt. A creak sounded as daylight shone onto her closed eyes. She heard multiple voices above her, but they all sound hazy and far away. She slowly started to come to, but didn't dare open her eyes. She lay completely still as her heart rate quickened and the voices sounded closer. Louder. The floor shook beneath her for a moment as someone jumped down next to her and she realized she was below those around her.

"A girl?" She heard someone say. It sounded like a boy. In fact, all the murmuring sounds like boys' voices. She kept still and pretended to still be unconscious.

"We haven't got any girls yet!" Someone else exclaimed.

"Yeah, shank, you don't say?" Said another, "Is she dead?"

"She's hot."

"Guys, shut up!" A thickly accented voice said sharply.

For the first time she realized that her hand was resting over a piece of paper on her waist. Somehow, without knowing what it was, she didn't want those guys to take it from her. But she thought it was safer if they just assumed she was dead for now. Footsteps hit the floor and moved closer to her. She felt them stop just by her side, and a hand gently grabbed hold of the paper under her hand and slid it out of her grasp.

"She's the last one. Ever." The same accent said, sounding confused, "What the hell does that mean?"

"More importantly, is she dead?!" A voice shouted from above. The same hand that had taken the paper from her touched her wrist.

"She's got a pulse," He said, "Looks like she's breathing," His hand moved her hair away from her face. "Her eyes are moving, too. She's definitely alive."

"Then I call dibs!" Someone announced. A few of the others laughed, but she was burning with discomfort.

She took in a sharp breath as her eyes flew open. She saw a boy crouching beside her, wide-eyed as she sat up and scurried backwards into the corner. The boy held up his hands to show he meant no harm.

"Woah, hey. Don't worry. We won't hurt you." He spoke with that thick accent she heard earlier. He stepped towards her.

"Don't come any closer." She said frantically, heart racing. She tried to back up further, but she was against the wall. She glanced around her, seeing that she was in some kind of underground box-elevator. She could saw a huddle of boys above her peering down at her with concerned looks on their faces. Slowly, she stood up, still pressed to the wall. The boy in the box with her took another step forward.

"Don't!" She warned. But he continued to take slow steps toward her, a hand extended for her to grab.

"Hey, hey. Just calm down." He said. This was the wrong thing to say. In a state of utter fear and confusion, she swiftly grabbed him by the arm he held out and twisted his arm behind him. She couldn't remember anything, but she was suddenly reminded of how to execute an arm lock. The boy tried to free himself from her hold, but adrenaline gave her the strength to hold him still. The boys up above began to shout.

"Alright. Ok. Let's not get worked up here." The boy with the accent said, "We're gonna be stuck with each other here for a long time, so we might as well not be enemies."

"What?" She was caught off guard. What did he mean they're going to be there for a long time? Where is here? In her moment of distraction, the boy turned and pried her hands off of him, grabbing her wrists and locking them together. He looked straight at her and she looked him in the eyes for the first real time. She could see that he didn't seem to want to hurt her, but she was so confused that she couldn't see that before. She couldn't see anything clearly. She started examining the boy's face in front of her. His brown eyes were gentle but full of concern. They're almost familiar.

Opia (Newt x OC) -The Maze Runner-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin