Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

You, Newt, Minho, Thomas, and Winston run through the hallway. You take the first left. A siren starts blaring and filling your ears, alerting the building of your escape. You break into a sprint. You have to get to the door before the guards get to you. Heavy footsteps begin to sound from a little ways behind you. Even after you pick up the pace, the footsteps get louder. You make the mistake of looking over your shoulder, seeing 10 or so guards hot on your tail.

"Guys, go!" You whisper shout to your friends. You make it to the second right. The huge door to your escape looms at the end of the hall. A glimpse of hope sends you into a determined sprint. But just as freedom starts to feel like a reality, the guards turn the corner after you and start firing. Bullet after bullet flies past you and you have nothing to do but keep running. You feel that you're falling behind and a searing pain shoots through your leg and freezes up all of your senses. A bullet had torn through your pant leg and cut across your skin. You see the bullet hit the floor in front of you with a clink and a splatter of blood. Painfully, you slow down and look at your leg, blood soaking through your already torn pants. You lose your focus and stumble to the ground with a thud. You push yourself back up and try to get back on your wobbling feet, but a hard smack on the back of your head makes you collapse back into the floor.

"Flora!" you hear Newt scream. He's only a few yards away but it sounds like you're miles apart. You're grabbed by the back of your shirt and yanked violently up onto your feet. Someone immediately puts you in a chokehold and you feel the cold, metal tip of a gun press into your temple. You stiffen and don't dare move, ignoring the powerful urge to scream in pain. Your leg is bleeding and throbbing with pain and your head is pounding and you feel lightheaded. Your friends stop in their tracks and stare in horror at your helpless position.

"Boys, we can help you." Your attacker says to the boys who are frozen on the spot. You recognize the voice from earlier. It's Janson.

"You'll never make it through the scorch." He continues. "So just come along with me or the girl dies."

Janson's arm presses against your stitched shoulder as he wraps it tighter around your neck, adding to the immense pain already swarming your body. You try to think of something to do but your head is clouded from the blow you took to the skull. You close your eyes to try and block out the pain and unwillingly let a tear slip down your cheek.

"Alright, alright. Just let her go." Newt finally says, his hands raised in surrender and his face painted with panic. He's speaking to Janson but he doesn't take his fearful eyes off you as you stand perfectly still with slow tears escaping your eyes. Janson's grip on you loosens a little, enough for you to take a deep breath and react on a whim. With no other options, you muster up every bit of strength in your being and thrust your elbow backwards in a sharp motion, sending it straight into Janson's stomach. He retracts the gun from your head and doubles over, gripping his stomach with a painful groan. You stumble forward and turn back only to send a hard kick into Janson's chest, knocking him backwards into the group of guards formed behind him. He loses his grip on his gun and it flies forward and slides along the floor. Without a second thought, you take off down the hall, Newt catching you by the arm and pulling you along as the Gladers start running again. Thomas dives to pick up Janson's dropped gun and hurries to join you.

Your leg is burning and you're leaving a trail of dark blood along the floor with every step. You start to lose feeling in your leg and you limp along pitifully as fast as you can force yourself to go. Newt notices you struggling and slings your arm over his shoulders, wrapping his arm around your waist to hold you up.

"Bloody hell! Are you alright?" He asks urgently.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You nod, although you're not telling the truth.

Opia (Newt x OC) -The Maze Runner-Where stories live. Discover now