Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

You reach up one hand to touch the scar on your cheek. The amount of times you've had to be wrapped or stitched up seems absurd to you. You're ready to go somewhere where you're not constantly hurt. Maybe you could finally confess to Newt and you could be together. You almost want to tell him before you leave, just in case one of you doesn't make it, but you contradict yourself. If you told him now it would only make it harder to get over losing each other.

 to the dining hall for your last meal before leaving. Newt catches up with you and walks with you.

"Hey, I've barely seen you today." he says.

"I know, I've been wanting to talk to you." you say. You immediately regret it. You'd told yourself you wouldn't do this. You can't.

"About what?" Newt disrupts your racing thoughts. You shake your head.

"Nothing specifically. Just to talk. Because talking to you makes me really happy." you smile, repeating his words from last night. He smiles and looks at the ground.

"You know, I meant what I said. I know you were half asleep when I was saying it but I felt like I had to tell you."

"Well, it was nice to hear. It feels good to know that someone cares about me."

"We all care about you. Flora, you're the best person we've got." Newt nudges you with his elbow.

 Right now I want to go eat a shuck-ton of food before we leave and possibly die."

Newt laughs at first but then he turns serious.

"I know there's a chance we won't make it out alive and there's something I need to say. I was trying to tell you last night but-"

"Hey, Flora! I got you a plate!" Frypan shouts as you approach the dining hall. You step inside and greet him and the sounds of chatter drown out the would-be conversation between you and Newt. You sit and eat with your friends and carefully watch Alby pace around the door. You can tell how nervous he is. Newt glances at you through the entire meal. You know he wants to talk but you feel like you'd let your feelings slip if you started talking to him. You promise yourself that if you both make it through you'll finally tell him.

Everyone stands before the maze doors. They look up at the towering stone figures and feel their hearts pounding through their entire body.

"Alright, everyone." Alby turns shouts. "Minho and Thomas will lead the way. If at any point you change your mind you can go back but make sure you know the way. We have a better shot if we get out of here before it gets dark so please keep the pace up. We all know going into this we could die but we can try to protect each other." He looks at you when he says that. You nod and put your hand on your bag to feel the water bottle you brought. You're going to be needing it. With that, Alby pats Minho on the shoulder and steps aside.

"Follow us, shanks. Stay close." Minho waves you forward and turns around, jogging into the maze. The group jogs in after him. You approach the last step of grass before the dirty stone floor and take a deep breath before stepping out of the Glade and into the deadly maze. You turn to see Newt still at the entrance. He's clearly hesitant.

"Hey, come on. We don't want to get left behind." you smile and hold out your hand to him. He looks into the maze at you with a look you've never seen before. He looks afraid and desperate and hurt like you've never seen him. But he closes his eyes for a moment and gathers himself and slowly walks over to you and grabs your hand. You squeeze his hand and start to walk quickly to catch up with the others.

You walk for a while and eventually Chuck makes his way over to walk with you. You walk with one hand holding Newt's and the other slung around Chuck's shoulders. Finally, Minho stops and turns to face you.

Opia (Newt x OC) -The Maze Runner-Where stories live. Discover now