"Now lets get you cleaned up before we go back to the class, shall we?"

Shoto smiled a small smile before getting up and towering over me like he usually does. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs and towards the joint bathrooms, all the while smiling because of the bonding moment we had.

Shoto's POV

I let Eimi pull me down the hall while I stayed quite, thinking about what just happened. I really just let my emotions get the best of me. I didn't think that stepping up to my old man was going to be that hard. I've done it many times before, but why was it so hard this time? And then when Eimi started telling him off I just couldn't do anything. I was pathetic, I should be protecting her from that bastard since she hasn't been near him her whole life unlike me. I should hav-

"Shoto!" I snapped out of my thought to see Eimi holding both of my hands looking up at me, concern in her eyes. "Are you alright?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

"Well, if you ever need to get anything off your chest, feel free to tell me!" She said with her signature smile. Nodding again, I told her she can do the same and she smiled wider.

"Oh yeah! We're here, come on! Lets wash your face a bit to get rid of that puffiness!" Eimi exclaimed while pulling me up to one of the sinks and telling me to sit on the counter. I didn't want to argue with her, so I did as I was told while she ran to the towel dispenser to grab a few paper towels. She turned on the tap a bit and quickly ran the paper towels under the water as to not get them so wet they were useless.

She held them up, satisfied with the amount of water on them and turned to look at me.

"Now close your eyes Shoto! Don't want to get water in your eyes, even though its clean!"

I closed my eyes while I felt Eimi gently hold the cold wet paper towel under my eyes and around my face, making sure to lift my bangs in the process so they didn't get wet. She took them off and I heard her foot steps get farther away and I opened my eyes to see her throwing the wet paper towels in the garbage. She turned around to look at me and nodded.

"There, good as new! Now you look like your normal self."

I got off the counter and followed behind Eimi as she left the bathroom. It wasn't hard to get to walking beside her due to her height and we continued down the hall.

"You know, you look really cute when you're upset. Unlike me, I look like a red, snotty mess."

"I didn't think I looked cute when upset." I said in my normal monotone voice. Eimi giggled and grabbed my hand, swinging it back and forth.

"Well, I think you do. I bet every girl would be fangirling over you even more, if they saw that side of you. Heck! Even the boys would!" She laughed as we walked up the last couple of stairs before the area of the bleachers where our class was seated.

"Uhhhhhh" I said surprised while feeling my face heat up a little bit. We rounded the corner and straight away there were people looking at us.

"Eimi! There you are! You were amazing!" Uraraka said excitedly and came running up the stairs and hugged Eimi.

"R-really? Thanks!" Eimi hugged Uraraka back and smiled.

"Who's match is on right now?" I asked out loud and both the shorter girls looked up at me.

"Oh yeah! Did we miss anyone?" Eimi added on to my statement.

"Oh! The people fighting right now are Mina and Aoyama. And you sadly missed Iida's fight with that support class girl with the pink hair, man was their match ever funny!" Uraraka answered. Eimi looked bummed out from missing Iida's match.

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