Chapter one: "Smoking"

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"DARIEN, COME DOWN NOW!" I heard my mother shout.

I rushed downstairs barely awake and stood there looking at my parents.

"Nice of you to finally join us," my father said smugly and I smiled, I love my dad.

I looked over and saw my English teacher sitting on the couch, "holy fuck," my mother pinched my arm.

I stood up straight and tried to look presentable, didn't make sense since she already saw me.

"Um g–good morning Ms. Evans, please forgive me for my language." She smiled and got up.

"It's fine it's your house after all," I smiled awkwardly.

"So um why are you here?"

"Darien, Ms. Evans is going to watch you while your father and I tend to your sick grandfather"

"Mom I don't need a babysitter it's the middle of senior year, and I'm almost legal if you didn't notice, I'll be fine on my own"

"We know but–"

"Bullshit!" I said, "I don't need a sitter I'm almost eighteen which by the ways how long will you be gone, my birthday is in a month."

Mom clears her throat, "about two months, your grandfather is going through a lot of treatment and–"

"Nah fuck that, I love grandpap but I will not have a fucking babysitter. And why can't I come he's my fricking grandpa!"

"Watch your damn tone with your mother!" My father buts in and I look at him confused, he's usually on my side.

He continues, "now we gotta go, please pack your things, your staying at Ms. Evans,come give dad a hug." I was really pissed but I hugged him and my mother.

"Ms. Evans thank you so much, if she slips please call us."my moms says, to which I slip her the finger.

They leave and I'm left with my teacher I looked at her, "yeah I know I'm a bitch, get with the program,"

"I'm gonna like you child," she smirks.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock," I ran upstairs to pack my stuff.


"CAN YOU JUST HURRY!" she said loudly.

I get a lot of clothes and all my essentials, including my pills, and yes I'm a druggie.

She help me with my bags, "I can do it on my own,"

"No you can't, and the word is thank you,"

"Fuck off." She puts my things in the trunk and laughs.

Her car is a Mercedes Benz AMG, its white with black detailing. We get inside and she begins to drive, I know exactly where were going because I've egged her house on Halloween, mother's perfect child.

We drive for a short time, mostly because she only lives like two blocks from my house.

I come out of the car and she helps me bring my stuff to a nice room inside her house.

Her main colour scheme is white black and grey so yeah. She's literally fucking depressed, not that I can judge.

With her help I pack away my clothes in a closet.

"Um the bathroom is in there, you have all your things etcetera, umm the kitchen is always stacked, Netflix is on all the devices and if you need anything just come to me ok,"

I stared at her glasses then pointed, "those look cute on you,"

She blushes and says bye before quickly leaving.

It was still pretty early, and I wasn't in a sleeping mood anymore. The clock read 11:30 am

I can't believe my parents left me with our neighbor, like I'm some fucking incompetent child. I can't even get to see my sick grandpap, I love him and he's probably gonna die.
Why did she have to leave me with my English teacher this is so fucked up to be honest, fuckkkkkkkk!!

I took out a joint and began to smoke it while texting my bestie Molly, ha molly.

hey babe would you believe I'm at a teachers house Ms. Evans😶

         Holy fuck why are you there, you getting it in with the milf😏😏

I liked her once in like freshmen year, she's sexy but I'm still angry bro. I hate to be here, my parents are treating me like I'm ten.🙄

Well I'm sorry bae how long are your parents gone

Like two months, my grandad is sick

Sorry, I gotta go my mom is taking me to the doctor, she's sure her Molly is a precious virgin. Text u later baby boo

No problem Papi and uh tell Lia to answer my fucking texts I miss her

No problem baby I'll do it now, laters

I logged off WhatsApp and put my phone down.

I take a big hit from my joint and let it out, that's when Ms. Evans comes in.

"What the heck" she grabs me by the arm but I manage to hold my joint.

"There is no smoking in the house." She let's go of me and mumbles a sorry.

I take another hit and blew it into her face, "I'll go outside." She fixes her glasses and looked at me cold and hard

"You think your a badass huh?" She grabs my joint and throws it on the floor then she stepped on it.

"Come on, I'm just tryna have a little fun," she laughs coldly.

"Look kid I'm just doing your parents a favor, they've told me about you, your bipolar and wreak less behavior. So god help me please could you just not." I smiled at her.

"I'm not gonna take shit from a bitch I don't even know," I poked her shoulder. Then I grabbed my phone and my mini bag.

She tried to stop me but I flipped her off and took a walk down the street. I stopped at the old park and got on one of the swings.

"Fuck her and fuck my dumb ass parents, they had no right," I mumbled.

I took out a cigarette and lit it up, "fuck everyone......they wouldn't know,"

Hey guys I think I'm really liking this book. Its truly bipolar.

I hope you like it and even tho a lot won't read it I'll keep writing for my loyal ones.

Love you guys so much please vote and comment

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