Chapter four: "ENOUGH!"

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I saw Lia in the hallway, she pulled me in and kissed me, to which her jock friends made catcalls, pigs.

"Hey babe can you tell Caren, I won't be able to make it to cheer practice, I got a detention."

She laughed, "well please don't get another one, this is your senior year Dari"

"I know its senior year and it's not going on my file." She rolled her eyes and I walked off.

I made my way to Harmony's classroom, to serve my detention.

I knocked on the door, "come in," I when inside and she looked at me, she was wearing her glasses and I could see the boobies.

She sighed and told me to sit and do work. I sat down, "I already did all my work, and homework."

"Just sit quietly and don't disturb me," she started working on her papers again.

I saw her take the Takis out of her bag and open it and eat one.

"Come on that shits gross as hell taste this," I took out my Cheetos and brought it over to her.

She plainly said no but I wanted her to eat this.

I had my snack in one hand and I tried using the other to take hers. She gripped my arm and tried taking her snack from me.

I tripped and fell onto her lap, like facing her, she raised her brows.

My cheeks burnt and I kept gazing into her eyes. She didn't break contact with me either.

Our faces were close, our lips brushed and she pushed me off.

"I-I'm sorry I'll just sit down." I hurried to my seat. Great now I felt fucking stupid, we almost kissed and thats wrong, right?

She went back to doing her work so I took out my phone and began to text.

Hey how about instead of coffee tomorrow, I come to ur place and we'll have something sweet there.

Mmm ok babe but only if you let me try something new

Ok bye bye.

I already knew what she wanted to try, a strap, but I usually shut it down. Not because I was new to it or anything but Lia was rough. I mean baby girl is on the basketball and soccer team.

The only reason I was up for it was because of what just happened. I need to get it out of my system, and sex seemed to be a solution.

I sat there for an hour and then she got up, "come on were going home."

We made our way to the parking lot and inside of her car.

As we drove back to her place I took the time to say sometimes, "hey Harmony I'm really sorry about what took pla-"

She cut me off, "let's keep it as Ms. Evans and uh don't bring it up ok."

I looked down, now I've made it awkward, and I have a month and 27days with this woman.

Well at least, I get to spend tomorrow with the best girl ever, my bae.

"And I told your parents about your misbehavior they said your grounded, so only school and my place." I laughed.

"Your fucking with me, right?"


"Nah shut the fuck up bitch!, I have to be somewhere tomorrow and I won't miss it to stay home with your lame shit face."

"That's enough," she sat up in her drivers seat.

"Your not my mother nor are you a fucking guardian figure, so I don't take shit from you,"

"Darien that's enough,"

I continued, "your just some lonely, basic bitch, teacher-"

"I SAID THAT'S FUCKING ENOUGH!" She gripped the steering wheel.

I looked straight and didn't say another word.

She drove to her home and I we went inside. I didn't say anything I was actually quite surprised. I went up to the room I was staying and just went to bed, I was strangely tired.


I woke up to my alarm blaring beside me. I turned it off and got up. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

When I came out I put on a short, black off the shoulder dress and black Jordan's. I wore my white gucci bag and a white Rolex to match.

My parents had cash so I could wear what I wanted no limits.

In my bag I packed an extra pair of undies and a yellow track suit.

I had something to eat and Harmony drove us to school. We didn't even have a small conversation since I was angry with her.

School went by quickly and and before I knew it, it was my last session.

Harmony's class, I tried my best to be invisible, but I felt her eyes on me.

So I began to stare hard at her, I traced her every move.

"Miss. Heith do you have any questions?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes, "do you have any questions?"

She went back to what she was doing and left me alone. Most of my friends saw I wasn't in the mood but commented on what I was wearing.

Finally this shit hole was fucking over. I went to leave the class but she held me behind.

"I'll be in a meeting for like ten minutes just wait by my car," I smiled and walked away.

As soon as I left I found Lia and hugged her, then I gave her a kiss.

"Mmm, you ready to leave?' I asked, her friends stared me up and down.

"Yeah, let's go baby," she looked at my outfit and bit her lip. "Your gonna regret dressing like that," she whispered.

I made my way to her car, a matted, baby blue Porsche.

Lia was one rich bitch, I mean everyone at my school has money but her, she was different.

We pulled up at her house which was in a schemed neighborhood. It was huge just like I remembered, only this time it seemed strange, I haven't been there in a while.

I went to her house a lot and her to mine.

We went inside and as soon as she closed the door she attacked my neck with kisses

I hope that was enjoyable.
I really like writing it and my other stuff.
Sorry for not updating even thought it wasn't a long time gap.
I've been going stuff

Anyways vote comment love ya

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