I squeezed his waist and he bent over laughing. "You're going to call me old by using a Golden Girls reference? How does that even make sense?"

"Every cultured person knows that show!" Jerry cackled, trying to wiggle out of my grasp. "That tickles, you donut!"

"Is that a fat joke?"

"No, it's a thing I read in a book once! Geez!" he giggled. The second I let up, he stood on his tip toes and kissed me. He pulled away and made a thoughtful noise. "Okay, it's not quite as good as Adam Lincoln, but you're pretty— AH! I said that tickles!"

I hoisted him up and his legs went around my waist. I was given the pleasure of grabbing at his ass as we kissed. And when I realized that I paid for water in this house, I dropped my back to his feet and snatched the shampoo.

"Thank you," I hummed, rubbing in my hair and on my beard.

"Dude, your beard is way too short to be shampooing it," Jerry scoffed. "Have you seen Duck Dynasty? Those are the kinda beards that need shampooing."

My jaw dropped. "Are you saying I don't have a good enough beard? I'd grow it longer for you, Jeremy."

He rolled his eyes and knocked his forehead into my bicep. "Psychopath. Keep your beard the way it is. God, are you always this willing to please?"

I couldn't help myself. I winked at him. "Yes. In every aspect of being with someone."

"AHHH don't dirty talk me before eleven am!" Jerry wailed, doing a weird dance in a circle. I watched him, with confusion and fascination. "Okay, that's enough sexy talk! We have a big day ahead of us!"

I squinted at him, wondering what the hell he was talking about. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"We have a big day!" Jerry said, in a duh tone. "I have to give you all my suggestions for making your club better. In return, you can totally suck my dick."

My eyes dropped downward, appreciating how excited his dick seemed about that prospect. "Sounds like a win for me."

"I WAS KIDDING! Absolute psychopath!" Jerry hopped out and wrapped himself in three towels. He used one to lay over his head like he was a rare breed of turtle. "Stop, I'm shy about sex stuff when the lights are on. I'm going to make coffee, bye!"

He scampered out of the bathroom and left me smirking.

For all his bravado, Jerry was shy.

That explained all his random reluctance for sexy talk. He was a post-sex shy person. That was so cute to me.

I finished up my shower and got dressed in simple sweatpants and a t-shirt. I caught Jerry thumbing through the bookshelf I had in my living room. The best part? He was wearing my clothes.

My t-shirt hung down over his butt and my sweatpants dragged on the floor. They were rolled at the waist, completely swallowing him up.

He perked up when he saw me. "Nice books!"

I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I tucked my head against his shoulder. If he was going to be available for cuddles in my house, I for sure was going to take advantage.

"Which ones are your favorites?" I asked a squirming Jerry.

"You're like a magnet," he whined, trying to wiggle out of my grasp.

"I liked cuddles," I countered, squeezing him tighter. Just having him in my arms sent my heart fluttering. "And you're here to be cuddled with."

Jerry giggled and turned around in my arms. "Fine, we can cuddle! But let's cuddle on the couch. My ass and back are so sore."

Master's Boy (mxb)Where stories live. Discover now