27- Something Strange, My Dear Watson

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I fell through the air and let out a yelp as my right side collided with the metal back of the chair and then grunted when it landed on top of me once I finally hit the ground. I groaned as I pushed it off of me and finally took in to my new surroundings. To be honest, I couldn't really explain where I was.
The place didn't appear to be someone's house as there were items scattered throughout in glass cases that were probably out for display. I stood up, rubbing my side as I gazed at the large circular window that was allowing the moon to somewhat brighten the dim room. That is, until all the lights actually did turn on at once. As I scanned the room out of somewhat fear that I was about to be attacked, I noticed a set of long, white candles placed in some type of old relic that were definitely not lit when I first arrived.
I slowly, out of curiosity, made my way over to the table of the candles and just as I was about to touch what they were in, a voice called out to not touch anything.
I whipped around to a tall man standing in front of the window wearing what appeared to be some type of costume. He had a red cape and was wearing a blue outfit underneath it and yellow gloves with an odd medallion around his neck.

"That candelabra when lit will summon the darkest of demons that not even I can get rid of, so please keep away from it." He walked toward me then stopped once he noticed the chair. "Has this always been here?"

I made my way over to him while still holding on to my side, but still kept my distance. "What is this place?"

"This is the Sanctum Sanctorum that currently resides in Greenwich Village. Which is in New York City, if you aren't familiar," He answered as he sat the chair upright and squeezed the blue cushion, "Is this what Wong bought at the flea market the other day?"

"I'm sorry, but why am I here? Who brought me through that portal?"

He turned away from the chair and looked at me. "I'm sorry, you must be confused. I am Doctor Stephen Strange and I was the one that brought you here. You see, I keep a watch list of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world. And, to put it quite frankly, I can see you being a threat."

I was stunned. "Huh?! You don't even know me!"

"Oh, but I have read up on you, Alger Booth. You indeed are not from this earth as you arrived here as an infant in Sokovia in the year 2002. So, therefore, being from a different reality technically counts you as being from another realm."

"That doesn't mean I am a threat to the entire world! I haven't done anything wrong!"

He laughed. "You serious? All of your records of you being an assassin with almost a thousand kills are online for anyone to see. All you need to search is 'girl falls out Stark Tower' and everything pops up. That, and some article of Tony Stark hiring an actress to act as his niece for a social experiment? Was that you too?"

My eyes began to sting as tears brimmed my eyes. My voice cracked as I shouted out, "I don't kill people anymore! I am an Avenger now!"

"An Avenger that has the capability to blow New York off the map if she so desired."

"What? I wouldn't do that!"

"I can detect what flows within you. You have so much electricity surging throughout your body that you could possibly run an entire city for a month. And, it appears that you are starting to lose control and it showed through your unforeseen headache."

I realized that my head was no longer hurting, but was confused that this man knew things that either only my mother told me about or that I experienced only with Peter. "...How do you know everything about me?"

"Being a sorcerer has its perks."

Tears were starting to stream down my face when I thought I finally understood what was going to happen. "You're going to kill me, aren't you?"

He gasped. "What? I'm not going to kill you! I am going to lock you away in another dimension, though."

He moved his arms in a circular motion and a portal with a golden ring formed in front of us showing some sort of prison cell that seemed other worldly.

"No! You can't do that! I need to protect Peter! That's my job right now!" I cried out, "I can't leave Peter! You need to take me back to him! Please!"

"I'm sorry, but I have to think about the safety of earth-"

As if his cape pulled him back, he stopped spinning his arms as another portal with a blue ring suddenly formed in front of his and engulfed it whole as a woman with long, fiery red hair jumped out of the other portal while demanding the Doctor to stop.

Except, it wasn't just any ordinary red headed woman, it was my sister.

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