25- Off To The Races

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The walk back to Peter's apartment was decent. The weather was nice, a little breeze blew throughout it, however, when it was time for Peter and I to enter his apartment, things became awkward.
I couldn't tell him about my current...situation. Though, it probably would've made things so much easier during that moment.
I claimed that I no longer wanted to sneak around his aunt May. He was confused, but I was persistent and he finally backed down after I practically threw a tantrum at his front door.
We decided to use the story that I came over to study, and when Peter unlocked the door and yelled for her as he swung it open, we found out that she wasn't even home. Luckily, he never questioned as to why I didn't sense that she wasn't there in the first place.

We raided aunt May's closet for what Peter described as the perfect party dress for my first high school party. As a person that had never worn an actual dress, except for the uncomfortable dress that Miss Potts made me try on the day she bought it, I had no opinion on the matter.
He would pull one out, hold it up against me, then mumble his disapproval under his breath as he would hang it back in the closet and start the cycle over again. It was starting to become exhausting.

"Peter, just pick a dress already!"

"Uh, I want you to actually look good for once, Alger."

"You don't think I look good now?"

"No! I mean, yes!" He squirmed around for a second. "I mean... you look good, but I want to find the perfect party dress for you."

"I don't understand why. I don't know if I can fight in a dress. They're quite revealing."

"Well, I'm certain that nothing bad is going to happen at this party, so take the night off."

"I can't do that-"

"I found it! Oh, this is the one!"

He held up the dark red dress to my body and marveled about how it would make my eyes 'pop'.

"Do you like it? It has long sleeves and it'll probably go past your knees; I know it goes well past May's knees."

"I don't know..."

"Please? You can't go to Liz's party in your suit."

I grabbed the hanger as I groaned. "Fine."

He smiled as he started to dig through the bottom of her closet and pulled out a pair of black flats.

"I won't make you wear heels."

"Those pointy shoes women wear? Yeah, I'm not ready for that yet."


I wore Peter's jacket to hide the dress as I rode in the backseat with Ned. When May returned home, Peter asked if she could give us a ride to the party and she happily obliged. Her warmth made me wish that she knew I secretly lived in her apartment.

Once May stopped in front of the house, I thanked her for the ride then got out while Ned and Peter stayed back and talked to her for a moment.
I stared as the windows glowed with colorful lights with music booming throughout the large house. Why were common teenagers so loud?
If only I could sense what was going on in there.

"You ready?"

I jumped as I turned to Peter.

"Did I startle you?" He asked, "Didn't you know that I was right behind you?"

"I wasn't expecting you to speak."

"Oh, sorry. Let's go!"

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