33 - Feeling Things

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Breaking and entering is a skill set that I have acquired over time. After all, it was why I was considered a good assassin. If Hydra got to see this moment, however, they wouldn't have been too proud.
I heard a loud thump and a chair fall over along with him screaming as I fell into his room on my face. I grunted as I pushed myself up and caught the moment where Peter was trying to get up after he accidentally flipped over the chair he was sitting in at his desk. He must've quickly changed out of his suit, for he was now wearing a white shirt with green pajama pants.
"Alger?! What the-"

I jumped to my feet and forced him down onto his back by wrapping my legs around his arms while sitting on his stomach. I struggled to pin him down as he tried to squirm away. "Where did you go?"

He was significantly stronger than me as he pulled his arms out from my grip, grabbed my hips and pushed me off of him. "Where did I go?" He asked as he rose to his feet, "Where did you go?"

I shot to my feet as I pointed my bandaged finger at him. "Don't you make this about me."

"Really? Cause you look like you've been hit by a truck!" He pointed back.

"Ned said he tried to call you and you wouldn't answer!"

"And I went outside looking for you and you were nowhere to be found!"

"I thought I told you not to make this about me!" I yelled.

"And I thought I asked you to tell me whenever something bad happens to you!" He yelled back.

"Why aren't you-" I froze as I sensed familiar vibrations entering through the front door and heading our way. "Your Aunt's coming."

He covered his mouth as I ran behind the door and became invisible once I heard her knock. Peter cleared his throat and told her to come in as he was repositioning the chair he fell out of.

"Hey, Aunt May," He greeted quietly.

"Is everything okay in here?" She asked as she opened the door, "I heard shouting."

"Yeah I'm just..." He looked around the room as he tried to come up with a reason. "On the phone talking to somebody."

"Is there something wrong?"

"Everything's fine," Peter's voice slightly strained as he lied, "No need to worry."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." He fiddled with the string of his pajama pants as he continued to lie to her.

"Okay. Have a goodnight."


I reappeared once she closed the door behind her and went to Peter as I whispered.

"Tell me what happened to you, Peter."

He sighed. "I was going to pop into the party as Spider-Man, but then I saw something in the distance and when I went to check it out, I found out it was this illegal weapons deal and when I was chasing them, this robotic bird-man grabbed me and I lost the fight."

"A robot bird-man?" What did that even mean?

He responded nonchalantly as if what happened was an everyday occurrence. "Yeah. It threw me into the water and Mr. Stark sent a suit to come and save me."

Mr. Stark. If he knew where Peter was, he could probably find out where I was too, but I didn't have time to worry about that.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," He swatted away my question. "Now, tell me about you."


"No!" He begged, "Please tell me what did this to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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