(37) Superhero AU

Start from the beginning

???: "HEY!" I snap my head towards the sound of the voice.



???: "Heh, wouldn't have thought differently (SH/N) (superhero name)."

(Y/N): "Hey since you're here let's settle on that date you owe me Smii7y."

Smii7y: "Is this really the time (SH/N)?"

(Y/N): "When isn't it the time? We are always busy with hero work babe!" I yell over the explosion in the background.

Smii7y: "Let's go to our favorite restaurant after this? Then to that ice cream joint? Sound good?"

(Y/N): "That's perfect."

Smii7y: "Alright then that's what we are going to do. Mind doing that techno song you've been practicing to finally stop this?"

(Y/N): "I would love too, you know how much I love singing." We quickly chuckle, "While I'm doing that take the civilians to safety.

Smii7y turns to me and puts earplugs on and gives me a thumbs up saying that I am good to sing and without giving the villian a second to block his ears I start singing that makes him paralize where he stands. I then walk up to him still singing and with one karate chop to the neck he knocks out but he's still standing. I stop singing and he collapses forwards. The police soon arrive and to take the villian while I go help any civilian's trapped within the rubble. It takes a good 2 hours before everyone was safe and the fires were out. Another hero came in to repair the damaged road by covering up every hole and making the streets smooth again. Smii7y and I were bombarded with news reporters some asking how we managed to stay calm in this situation and most asking about our relationship. We recently came out to the public without telling much details and it's quite funny because nobody has managed to figure out our identities so our private life is still our private life. Some paparazi though were really close to descovering what I looked like before Smii7y shot milk on his camera from his hands. Ah~ fun memories.

Smii7y: "So lovebug we really need to take a shower then go on that date. We smell like smoke and sweat."

(Y/N): "Of course and you smell like spoiled milk." I say teasingly then lightup with an idea, "Would you like to take that shower together handsome~"

This causes Smii7y to flush red and made him stumble over his words, "Well- I- uhm- erm- wouldn't mind..." 

I give him a peck on the lips then start to run, "LAST ONE THERE IS THE ROTTEN MILK BAG!"

Smii7y: "HEY! YOU JUST CAN'T KISS AND RUN!" He says while chasing after me.

~After the shower~

I get changed into (Whichever outfit of your choosing) and see Smii7y with a flannel and jeans. This was one of our more casual dates so we weren't dressing like we are on red carpet. We get into my car and drive over to Daniel's Diner, it was really nice looking for a cheap restaurant honestly, we are known by most of the workers because our constant visit here. We went over to a booth and sat down while a lady with brown hair and purple eyes walked over. 

Shanelle: "Hello what can I get you?"

Smii7y: "Hi can I get a cheeseburger with fries and a medium drink please."

(Y/N): "I will take cheeseburger with fries as well with a large drink."

Shanelle: "Coming right up beautiful~." She says while winking at me.

I turn red out of embarassment while Smii7y laughs at me, I just kick him under the table and tell him to shut it. This just makes him laugh even harder finding this entire situation funny, (SH/N) can take complements and seems like a self centered jerk sometimes but (Y/N) cannot take a complement without making a fool out of (him / her)self. (He / She) would be the type of person who would say "You too." when the worker says, "Enjoy your food."

Third Person Note:

(SH/N) and (Y/N) are practically polar oppisites the only simularities that they have is that they are kind hearted, smart, and beautiful. If a guy: And really gay, cannot forget that one quality.

Back to first person:

After Shanelle brings back their food while giving me another wink and her number, that I'll never use might I add, I pay for the food and we go to the ice cream parlor and order two (f/f) (favorite flavor) ice creams. Smii7y paid for the ice creams since he wouldn't let me pay for both dinner and ice cream. We soon end up at a local park looking at the stars enjoying one of the few dates we get to have. And we enjoy every single moment we are given together, whether it be good or bad. Whenever we have a bad moment we learn from it and it allowed us to last 4 years so far. It's honestly amazing having him in my life, before he came into my life hero work was boring and seemed like a boring job some of the times but Smii7y makes it all better. I look at Smii7y which causes him to look at me and then we kiss each other under the stars, because who doesn't like a clique ending like this?

word count: 2290

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