Chapter 23

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OfficialKeigoTakami , I hope you find your happiness 💞💞💞

"Good job on the combat training the other day, I saw the videos and results." Aizawa started, and then went on to personal notes.

"Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid." Katsuki groaned and looked to the side.

"I know..."

Aizawa turned to Izuku, "Midoriya, you ended it with breaking your arms again. You keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your quirk, stop saying the same thing over and over again, as long as you can work on fixing that control issue there's a lot you should be able to do." Izuku looked up with a happy face, but (Y/n) stopped listening at that point. That is until her name was brought up.

"(Y/n)." Said girl looked up from her spot.

"I'm hoping to see the many ways you'll be able to use that vast quirk of yours." A big smile took place on (Y/n)'s face, she was proud of herself.

"Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today you'll be..." The class waited anxiously for the announcement.

"Picking a class representative." Suddenly everyone was jumping to se idea of being the class's 'president'.

"I wanna do it!"

"Ooo! Pick me!!"

"Me too!"

Even (Y/n) liked the idea, although she wasn't sure she wanted to represent her class with a brat like Katsuki. (Y/n) looked to her side to see Izuku's hand raise a bit, trying to get a word in on this too, although he and the rest of the class had been silenced by the all mighty Iida.

"SILENCE PLEASE!" Everyone stopped.

"This job has a serious responsibility of leading others. It's not just for anyone who wants to do it. It requires you to have trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then-" (Y/n) jolted up in her seat as she raised her hand.

"Election!!" She yelled, eyes widened and sparkling with interest. Katsuki's gaze shifted to the female.

'Her mood changed relatively fast.' He thought, kind of hurt that she wasn't still thinking of him. On the other end, a large smile grew on Iida's face.

"Yes! Exactly my point (L- wait, (Y/n)! Let's hold an election!"

"Why would you suggest that..?" Pikachu asked.

"We haven't even known each other for that long, how do we know who to trust?" Tsuyu had made a good point.

"Won't everyone just vote for themselves?" Eijiro added.

"Exactly!" (Y/n) spoke up, getting to the point faster than Iida had.

"We did stuff like this in my old school, and everyone just voted for their friends, not the people they believed would do an actual good job. Chaos broke loose! I'll tell ya that! So if people get more votes here, wouldn't that show they're perfect for the job? It shows that with the little time we've had together, we were able to make an impact on our classmates!" Iida's eyes sparkled as he admired (Y/n)'s thinking.

"Yes! I am very glad you were able to understand my thoughts!" The sonic boy exclaimed.

"C'mere dude!" (Y/n) reached over her desk, reaching out her hand. "High five!!" Iida smiled, a light blush brushing across his face. He reached over and high-fived the girl. Ok, now Katsuki was just mad. How could she bounce back that fast, how was she that happy. Sure Katsuki acted out in a douche-baggy way, but (Y/n) knew it was because he cared for her... right..?

'Wait what who said that, I don't care for that little twerp.' The boys head raced with his thoughts. 'I just know when something's wrong and uh- usually it's a shitty feeling so I have to ask her because usuallypeopleshouldtalkabouttheirfeelingswhen-' At this point he was starting to sound like Izuku.

"Katsuki! Stop rambling already!" (Y/n) spoke firmly, getting his attention instantly. His face reddened as he realized he had been talking aloud.


"The hell Katsuki- No we didn't because you were fRICKING MUMBLING UP A STORM YOU ASS!!" Katsuki was really getting on (Y/n)'s last nerve.


"Bakugo." With that last firmly spoken name from (Y/n), Katsuki went silent. His ex-friend's stare scared him, he had to admit it. His eyes grew small as he felt her power rise above his own. He crossed his arms in defeat as he looked away. 'Did she... just call me Bakugo..?'

"Anyways, so, Aizawa Sensei, what about that plan of ours, eh?" (Y/n) looked to her teacher. The class was amazed by how the girl had handled Katsuki, and how she seemed totally unfazed by his behaviour.

"Yes! What do you think, Aizawa Sensei?" Iida spoke once again in his triumphant voice.

"Don't care, just get it done before home room is over." He then fell on his side while in his yellow caterpillar-like sleeping bag.

"Thank you Sensei!!" (Y/n) and Iida spoke in unison.

Iida then proceeded to hand out little sticky notes to everyone, telling them to write down who they wanted to vote for, and then put them in a little box. Very simple, very easy.

'Well I know who I'm voting for.' (Y/n) spoke in her mind. 'He's such a great leader and he's open to others opinions, I hope you win,' (Y/n) put her ballet in the box.


-Okok so i know this is a short chapter, BUT HOLY HELL THANK YOU GUYS SO FRICKEN MUCH FOR 40k+ READS AND 1k+ VOTES??? I AM LEGIT IN SHOCK!!! 💞💞 This means a lot to me, I know this chapter is shorter but it's because I really wanted to say this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. All your comments are super encouraging. In all honesty I'm not the most sure of where this fanfic is going, I have a general idea, but I gotta polish is a bit lol, so I thank you for your patience I'm sticking with me 😭😂. (Thank you guys so much for our fun conversations in the comments. I do read every single one of your comments, and I love them 💞)

Ps. I know that this is technically the day (Y/n)/you missed but, uh, shhhhh. (Lol sorry that was a long authors note.)

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