Chapter 3

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(Y/n) sleepily made her way down the side walk. She ended up only falling asleep around 1:03am due to excitement about seeing her grandparents, and her mom had forced her awake when she wasn't yet up at 9:45am, so that was fun. All she needed to do now was to get ready for a small walk to the train station.

Taking a little break from her stroll along the sidewalk, (Y/n) decided to go into a little convenience store. It was a small store, with around 6, maybe 8 people inside. One being someone familiar. (Y/n) decided to just take a gum pack and book it to the cashier to hopefully go unnoticed by the 'friend' of hers. But just to her luck, there was already a line of 4 people ahead of her..

"Oi, (Y/n). Don't wanna say hi to me or something?" 'Aw crap' (Y/n) thought to herself. Slowly. Very slowly, she turned her head around to be face to face with the one and only, Katsuki. 

"Heyy Kacchan! Didn't see ya there!" She said as she laughed nervously. 

"Yeah yeah whatever." Then he got into line to stand right beside the girl. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked. 

"My parents are somewhere in this store shopping. They didn't trust me home alone. Thought I might blow something up." (Y/n) just nodded and let out a feint "ah I see."

After a minute or two of silence, she noticed something. 

'Kacchan is very calm today... is he still asleep or something??' She looked up at his face through the sides of her eyes.

She might have been staring to long. Once she had finally stopped thinking of possible reasons why Katsuki didn't blow up the town yet, she looks to see it was her turn to pay for her gum.

*beep* "1.50$ please" as (Y/n) went to reach for spare change in her pocket, the lady had already said "thank you, come again!" 

'H-huh?! How did she have my mone- Wait I STILL HAVE MY MONEY' 

"You owe me." 

"W-wait Kacchan, hold up.. you paid?" Was (Y/n) awake? Was this a dream? Or a nightmare..? 

"Of course I did. You were taking to long staring at me to notice. I also already had spare change in my pocket, so might as well use it." The girl was still shocked at what had just happened. Katsuki was calm? He was nice? He paid?

-Walking to the station-

"Hold my hand." (Y/n) choked on air. 


"I said hold my hand. This crowd is too big. I might lose you." She doesn't really know how it happened, but Katsuki ended up walking (Y/n) to the train station. He only informed his parents of this when his mom called and started saying things like "I'll track you down you little-" but Katsuki would always cut her off. For some reason he didn't want (Y/n) to hear those swears. Like she was a child. Taking to long to decide, Katsuki grabbed (Y/n)'s hand. 

"You took to long." The two both slightly blushed.

During their walk, (Y/n) and Katsuki would actually have nice conversations about school and such. (Y/n) also made sure not to bring up Izuku. She wasn't to sure what would happen there. 

"Hey Kacchan. We are at the station now. You can let go." 

"Let go? Oh." Then the boy let go of his rival's hand. 

"Thanks for walking with me here by the way. That was really nice of you." (Y/n) thanked Katsuki as she made her way into the station. 

"Hey (Y/n)! Don't think that today just because I walked with you, means we aren't rivals anymore. We still are." (Y/n) smiled, teeth showing an everything.

"Oh I know. I'm just happy that today we got to have some time as friends. But when I get back I'll totally kick your ass." Then she ran inside. She ran inside letting a raging Katsuki free outside alone. (Y/n) made him so mad, but then how was his face blushing like crazy whenever he saw her run ahead?

-Train ride-

(Y/n) loved train rides for two reasons.

1- She got her alone time

2- And she got to plug in her earphones and relax. No distractions

But soon enough, it would all end. It would end, but then that just meant her grandparents weren't far for long. They were so close!

Finally leaving the train station, (Y/n) began to make her journey to her grandparents house. Just as she was walking past a park, (Y/n) heard a scream in the distance, beginning to slightly sprint. Hearing another one of the horrid screams left her no choice. (Y/n) was running closer and closer to the target. She turned around a corner into an alley way. Soon enough, she was met with someone she remembered seeing on tv often 

"Hero.. Killer.... Stain." She froze. But then (Y/n) noticed that there were a group of kids lying on the ground, paralyzed. 

"H-help us!!" A girl, maybe about 3 years older then (Y/n), screamed.

"That's it.." (Y/n) readied herself into a fighting stance. Stain was now interested 

"Oh? A baby hero, eh? I wonder how your blood will taste..." Stain quickly started running towards the girl as he licked his cherry red lips.. Was (Y/n) gonna fight? Hell no! Her eye colour changed into a purple-ish blue as she froze stain in his place. 

"Today's not the day stain. I'll help you guys get up and moving." She froze him. That was just the trick that he used himself. Had he taken a certain interest in the girl? Of course he had.

(Y/n) Carried the three young adults out of the alley way and brought them too a police station. One on her back, one in her arms, and one was picked up by her wings. One of the victims looked at (Y/n). Starting into her eyes. 

"Why are your eyes still blue and purple?" 

"Do you think that we are far enough from stain to let him go?" 

"N-no.." the boy stuttered with fear. 

"Then i won't let them change back. It'll just release him.."

Arriving at a local police station, (Y/n) retracted her wings and explained along with the other three what had happened to a police officer. 

"Thank you young one. You will make an excellent hero one day." The officer stated. 

'Could I really be a hero?'

Finally making her way to her grandparents house, (Y/n) had thought about today. 'Katsuki was nice and held my hand. I saved people from Stain. Someone told me I could ba a hero? What a day'

(Y/n) knocked on her grandparents door. It opened rather quickly. 

"(Y/n) my dear! I am so delighted I finally get to see you again!! Please come in sweetie." 

"Thank you grandma!" (Y/n) brought her stuff to the spare room in the house. She then made her way to the living room where her grandparents sat in their chairs. 

"How was your day today (Y/n)? Anything exciting happen?" Her grandpa asked. 

"Oh y'know. I just woke up and made my way here. Nothing too special." (Y/n) thought that lying about today would be the best option. She didn't exactly want to freak out her grandparents on their first day together in awhile. That would have definitely been a mood killer.

-K so I'm adding some stuff to this fanfic so it'll go a bit slower. I really wanna make sure (Y/n) has a pretty decent backstory and so the readers (you) know what's happening. Sorry if it goes a little slow, or gets boring at some points. I do already have quite a lot planned, so that's good. Anyways,,, have a nice day! (Or afternoon or evening depending where you live)

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