Chapter 1

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It was a late afternoon. The sky was filled with beautiful colours, resembling a newly painted canvas. A mother and her young child watched the news.

"(Y/n) look! It's papa!" The mother stated. On the television was a hero who looked to be in his thirties fighting a tall man with a quirk to fly, most likely a villain.

The villain had grabbed a bag full of jewels that had been right beside him, and started to fly away. He thought that he had won, but just as quickly as he thought that, he was proved wrong. The hero instantly spread wings. The villain was shocked. He started to fly faster. Out of no where, he couldn't move.

'W-what?! When did another hero make it here?!' The villain thought.

"If you're wondering who froze you," the same hero the villain had been fighting began.

"It was me." He then flew over to the villain and took back the jewels to give back to their owner.

'Two quirks?! Man... not my lucky day'. Villains never really like being defeated by heros. Finally, he picked up the villain flawlessly, who I could say was about twice his size.

A reporter walked up to the hero

"Excuse me sir! The bat winged hero Flight Freeze, was it? What is your quirk? Does your name explain it all?! Do you train in a gym? How are you so strong?! Please explain how you defeated the villain so quickly!" The hero hesitated...

"That's... a lot of questions..."


A knock on the door was heard. The mother from before had went to see who was there. It was the hero returning from his work. It was her husband.

"How was your day?" The man asked his wife.

"It was really good! Me and (Y/n) watched your fight today. You took that bad guy down super easily!" She responded as she punched the air. The man chuckled at his wife's playful antics.

"Say, where is (Y/n)?"

"She is sleeping. I told her about meeting Inko tomorrow. Also that her own child, Izuku, would be there. She's been pretty nervous ever since and wanted to make a good impression! It's really cute honestly." This time it was (M/n)'s turn to chuckle.

"We should get to sleep soon too. It's getting pretty late." (F/n) stretched his arms in the air.

"Goodnight honey. Sleep well." By the time (F/n) had said this, his dear wife was already sound asleep.

"Oh how I love you so, my dear (M/n)."

-2 years later-

"Izukuuuu!!!" A young (Y/n) ran joyfully to her best friend.

"Hi (Y/n)!" Izuku responded. The young girl finally caught up to the boy.

"Wheres Kacchan?" (Y/n) asked. Izuku looked around.

"Now that you mentioned it, I don't know!" The girl was in deep thought. Then she suddenly spoke up.

"I'm sure he won't mind if we play around without him!" The 3 year old (Y/n) grabbed Izuku's hand and started to run to a tree the trio would often climb. Of course by trio, I mean Katsuki was usually there with them.

Footsteps were suddenly heard nearby.

"Hey! Why didn't you wait for me!" Uh oh. (Y/n) thought.

"K-Kacchan! W-well you see w-" Izuku was then cut off. The tiny girl jumped down from the tree.

"Kacchan! What is wrong with you?!" Katsuki looked confused.

"W-what do you mea-"

"I mean, why were you so late today?! You were so late and we thought you weren't coming! We were worried.." (Y/n)'s acting was top notch. Katsuki instantly felt bad as a regretful look on his face appeared when he saw (Y/n) looking hurt.

"(Y/n) I'm sor-"

"TAG YOU'RE IT!" Then she ran off. Leaving Katsuki and Izuku shocked.

"D-did she just-"

"IM COMING FOR YOU NOW YOU LITTLE RASCAL!!" Katsuki ran towards (Y/n). Izuku climbed down from his tree and followed the two others.

-The next day at preschool-

"Hey nerds! I think I just... Developed my quirk?!" Katsuki looked down at his hands, as he made little explosions appear in the air. Sorta like a mini firework show.

"W-wow! Kacchan that's so cool!!" (Y/n) responded.

"K-Kacchan! That's awesome!" Izuku added.

"Bakugo! That's amazing!" The teachers at their preschool were even shocked and amazed at Katsuki's fast quirk development, and how he already had it pretty much under control. All the other students praised Katsuki. He felt a new sort of feeling. A feeling where he placed himself at the top of everyone else. With this new power, Katsuki felt,


(Y/n) and Izuku walked behind Katsuki and his two other friends.

"Where are we going Kacchan?" One kid with wings asked. Katsuki smirked.

"To a special place in the forest! We just need to cross this lo-" Suddenly Katsuki fell off the log into a small stream, cutting his explanation short.

"Katsuki! That was sick!" A tall friend of his remarked.

"Wasn't it?! I'll be right ba-"

"Kacchan! Are you okay?" Izuku stood in front of his explosion friend, with his hand out offering his help. Katsuki was shocked. He didn't know what to say. He got up and walked away, continuing the stroll though the forest.

"...Kacchan?" (Y/n) was worried about what would happen next...

As soon as the five kids exited the forest, Katsuki started yelling at Izuku. "You nerd! Deku!" 'Deku? Did I miss something when I was staying at my grandparents...?' (Y/n) was now even more worried...

Out of no where, Katsuki sent an explosion Izukus way. The young boy, who feared the impact that katuki's quirk would have on him, was confused when he felt nothing at all. The hit never came. Izuku opened his eyes to see a wing in front of him.

"Kacchan.. I've had enough of your fooling around." (Y/n) walked towards Katsuki. The two other tag alongs ran away as fast as they could. They ended up hiding behind a tree to witness what would happen next.

(Y/n) kept walking closer and closer to Katsuki, just to the point where he tripped and fell to the ground.

"You have no reason to act so cocky Kacchan... you weren't the first to get their quirk."

"(Y-Y/n)?!?" Izuku stammered.

"B-but you didn't say anything!!" Katsuki felt confused and slightly betrayed be one of his closest friends. (Y/n) turned her head away as she looked to the wings sprouting from her back.

"Of course I didn't say anything. This quirk is my dads. Demon."

Katsuki had a million questions flying around his head at once. He was confused yet too scared to ask any questions. All except one.

"(Y-Y/n)... is that you?" Those were the last words Katsuki said to (Y/n) that day. He noticed the change in the way she looked at him, and the way she held her hands in tight fists. He saw the blood slipping through her fingers as she dug her nails into her skin. As he ran away from the scene, the two others that were hiding behind a tall oak tree screamed,

"MONSTER!!!" They finally ran away alongside Katsuki after that.

(Y/n) turned to Izuku.

"Izuku! Are you ok?! What was up with that deku name? I swear I won't let him hurt you again!" Izuku stared into the girls eyes.

*Ba-Dump* *Ba-Dump*

'Can someone please explain why my face feels so hot?'

The young Izuku didn't know what this feeling was, and he wasn't exactly looking for the answer either.

Katsuki rested at home in his bed. The way (Y/n) had looked and talked to him today really lit a fire in him. He really did like her, a lot. He wanted to be by her everyday. Maybe he could.. just as her rival.

- I hope you liked the first chapter!

Yikes! BNHA x reader (Hiatus)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin