Klaus emerges from the bedroom, looking freshened up. He smells of bodywash and cologne, looking ready to take on the day. Rory hates herself for having such a hot fiancé—she feels like a complete slump when she sits next to him and he's all proper and she's still in her pyjamas with her hair all over the place.

Nonetheless, Klaus presses a kiss over the crown of Rory's head and makes his way towards Hope's baby chair, picking his daughter up to cradle her against his chest.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Kai questions as he scrapes the scrambled eggs off the pan onto Rory's plate.

"I dunno. I guess going even further," Hayley shrugs as Rory steals a piece of bacon off Kai's plate.

"Are we seriously just going to drive to the ends of the world and hope that none of Kieran's enemies find us?" Kai asks as he twists Rory's ear, the brunette yelping in pain. He gives her a pointed look, Rory pouting her bottom lip as she drops his piece of bacon back onto his plate.

"Well, as long as Freya's spell is in check, we don't really have a choice. All we have to do is stay out of New Orleans," Hayley states.

"Which begs the question on why we aren't heading off to some far off, tropical country," Klaus comments from the windowsill, where he's feeding Hope a mouthful of baby food.

"Because airports are dangerous and we could probably bump into one of the Strix flying into the country that are looking for you and that white oak bullet," Hayley responds in a pointed fashion. Klaus rolls his eyes in exasperation.

"I don't know why you're complaining. It's literally your own fault you're in this position. If you weren't such an asshole to people..." Kai trails off, staring straight at Klaus with an unimpressed look.

"This is coming from the one who murdered his entire coven in cold blood on his sister's wedding day?" Klaus retorts.

"Okay, I committed one mass murder. How many have you done?"

"That's none of your business."

Kai makes a satisfied sound in the back of his throat, nudging Rory's side. "He knows I'm right," Kai whispers in her direction.

"Please leave me out of this." Rory retorts, shovelling the last of the scrambled eggs into her mouth.

"Anyway," Hayley places her elbows on the table. "Kai and I were taking a walk in the woods yesterday and we ran into one of my old family friends, Kayla McInnis—a werewolf who had her, uh...first kill. And while we were there, we made a discovery."

"Werewolves have been going missing in the area," Kai continues, chewing on his bacon absentmindedly. "Well, not really going missing. We kinda came to the conclusion that they were being hunted."

"And what made you come to that conclusion?" Klaus asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Because we found an ID hanging off a tree, and guess where the victim worked?" Hayley inquires.

"You're going to love this," Kai adds.


"Kingmaker Land Development," Hayley responds. "Also known as the people that were hunting werewolves in the Bayou back in Louisiana."

"Also known as the company your old annoying pal Lucifer owns." Kai states.

Rory meets Klaus' eyes, a frown on her face. "Did you know about this?"

"Not at all," Klaus responds. "What the bloody hell would Lucien want with werewolves?"

"We can pay a visit to his offices," Hayley offers. "That'll give us something to do while running from your enemies."

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