"Lilith! We're here. Nobody is hurting you!" A soft touch on my forehead made my eyes flicker.

I shoot up, I wasn't in the bathrooom anymore, no. I was in my bedroom. My new bedroom.

I reassured myself by looking left and right without even stopping. My hands clenching down on my blanket.

I felt strong grips on my legs.

Warm hands got my attention. The twins were sitting on both sides of my bed, with concerned looks on their face.

"Are you okay?" Elijah's voice sounded so far away.

My head was aching, while I tried to register what was happening.

So many things came into my mind, the incident in school, the talk with Victor and now the nightmare.

After the talk yesterday, I finished my homework and went to bed early.

Just to forget this day.

But now the nightmare played in my head like a song on repeat.

I felt the hands on my cheeks, grabbing them and pressing down, I saw his disgusting face everytime I blinked.

Tears streamed down my face, as I tried to forget this disgusting image.

Elijah scooted over to me, making us both sink down my soft mattress.

He put his arms around me and made a shushing sound.

"It's okay. It's okay." He told me, patting my head like he always did.

Xander didn't know what to do and for the first time in my life he looked weak. Kind of afraid, as well.

I stretched out my arm, to show him that he should come hug, too. Before he could even react, Elijah took his arm and moved him into our hug.

"Well, that's awkward." Xander mumbled, laying halfway on Elijah's lap.

A small giggle escaped my throat.

"Do you want to speak about your dream?" Elijah asked me, still rocking me back and forth.

Telling this brothers anything never ended well, but for some reason, I really wanted to open up to them.

Maybe, because Victor wasn't here and Jon didn't babied me, but still I told them.

"He was in my dream, I saw him talking to me and beating me. But then I remembered that he was dead and I had a better life now." I pause. "His face changed he looked rotten and he grabbed my face, he touched me, I- I couldn't even struggle, because there was no body."

Both of them listened closely. Thinking about what they could say next.

"Ahh I am not good with this shit." Xander huffed, but then he looked me in the eyes. "But I think if you remembered that he was dead and that you live with us now, just think about us, it's your dream, so make us appear and we beat the dead shit out of his corpse!"

I couldn't believe his words, it sounded so crazy, so idiotic, I could only laugh.

First Elijah thought I was crying and wanted to smack Xander, but when both realized I was laughing, they only watched me.

"I dont think that's how dreams work, especially bad ones." I snickered.

"Well, try it out and if it works, I told you so!" A triumphant smile appeared on his lips.

"By the way, guys." I breathed out. Glancing at them with innocence. "What does Victor do for a living?"

"We know you had a talk with him, yesterday." Elijah grinned at my attempt to get any information ouf of them.

I couldn't let this chance slide, I know it isn't good to take advantage of them being so kindhearted, but extreme situations require extreme measures.

I sobbed a little. "Y-you know, I am just so scared that Victor is a bad guy like my stepfather." I gave them a quick glance. "Working in a mafia or in a drug quartile sounds so scary."

"Mafia?" Xander scoffed. "What the heck did Victor tell you?"

"Well, he said he could kill anybody, anytime and that bad people would kidnap me." I murmured, trying to make them feel guilty.

"We are not supposed to tell you..." Elijah hesitated, scratching his head.

"Okay, I understand." I mumbled, looking at my fingers. "I thought my favorite brothers would always tell me the truth."

I don't know how I got myself to become an actress in this past few minutes, but I hope it would work.

It was the middle of the night, trying not to burst into laughter, I faked another sob.

"But don't tell the others!" Xander whispered.

My eyes widened, it really worked.

I thank Megan and Anna, without you I would have never come this far.

"So." Elijah started. "We don't know much either, only Victor and Jonathan are fully involved. Caleb knows more than us, but yea.."

"He is certainly not in a mafia, that would be, well pretty dangerous." Xander scoffed. "But he works in his own company. Our father is-. Was the founder. There are three big companies in this city. Our, then one belongs to a former member of the boxing club and the other one belongs to Evan's father."

"Evans? You mean Peter?" I gasped, I was so relieved they isn't anything illegal going on.

He nodded. "But you need to understand. This industry isn't normal. They are not like daily companies, some of them have underground gangs hired, like in this case members of the boxing club."

"Wait, so Victor can't kill anyone?" I reassured myself.

"He wouldn't." Xander laughed. "He is just scaring you, so you won't go against him. You know, he likes being respected."

"I have one last question." I bit my lip. "Could they really be a chance that somebody would kidnap me or something?"

They faces got dark.

"No, because we won't let that happen." Elijah growled.

Two chapters in one day! I wrote the most of my chapters beforehand, so I thought I post this small one today, as well.

Dont forget to comment your opinion and to vote !

Xx Mary

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