A pretty young Thing

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"I'm not gay, I just have no interest in people alright?"

"Maybe you just haven't met the right one yet?"

"I tried dating in my highschool years, it was nothing but drama and a waste of my time, I hated it."

"Again, perhaps you just haven't met the right one!"

"Do you ever shut up?" the twenty year old groans.

"Nope! Why, you want me to?"

"Yes please, I don't feel like chatting okay?"

"Aw you're no fun!"

"I'm paying you for alcohol, not to hear you talk."

"Alright Mr. Grumpy pants." Kenny laughs and hands the raven his drink. "That'll be twenty dollars!" Craig grumbles but hands the bartender a thirty.

"I said twenty?"

"Well, I gave you a tip so deal with it."

"Oh, thank you kind sir!"

"Whatever. "Craig takes a sip from his glass.

"You make a good beverage" he complements the bartender.

"Well it's my job, I'd sure hope so!" Kenny chuckles. Craig ignores him in favor of taking it what's on the stage. There's a woman who's naked save for her bra, panties and garter belt. She finishes up once the song ends and Craig yawns. A chubby man then walks on, mic in hand as he silences the crowd and the woman collects the bills that were thrown at her.

"Thank you gentlemen, let's give another round of applause for 'Minx'!" just as he commands, sounds of clapping and whistling are heard.

The young brunette takes a bow and blows kisses to her fans.

"Alright, just want to remind you all that 'Minx' here is now open for lap dances!" some of the crowd clears. "Now, let's give a warm welcome for our last act of the night. He may be new, but I'll tell you one thing, this boy will turn any man to homosexuality, that's how fine he is! He's small, sweet, and fierce. His skin is hot and his body's soft, I give you, 'Mocha'!" the club owner, Eric Cartman, Craig learns from his name tag, then backs away and the lights fade out. Then they come back on, illuminating a soft pink glow onto a boy with wild blonde hair, soft green eyes and a round face. His body is concealed only by a dark green cloak.

"This oughta be good" Craig whispers to himself, feeling more intrigued by the sight. The song then plays out and 'Mocha' begins to run small fingers around his form, from his face to his chest and lower with careful and slow movements as the song plays out its soft intro. Then, suddenly, the music stops and Craig's about to leave thinking that's it, and this 'Mocha' is just all talk and no show, however as soon as he gets up the music turns from it's slow melody, to a dangerous sexy sound. He stares back at the stage just in time to see the green eyed blonde rip the cloak away to reveal a more.... suggestive set of clothes. Craig's jaw drops upon the sight of the boy.

Black shorts, fishnet stockings, black boots and a lime green crop top are all that are left, save for that pastel pink thing of fluff that hugs his shoulders and the dark choker around his neck. He feels more drawn to the blonde, not noticing how he's walking closer to the stage until he finds himself bumping into the rim of the stage with his legs. The stripper chuckles and winks at him before grabbing ahold of the pole and going on it only to use the flexibility Craig hasn't even seen gymnast use! A leg and his left hand hook on. He curves his back with ease and he spins sliding down. His shirt is the first thing to go once he gracefully lands, revealing more milky soft skin as only leathered straps are buckled around his chest and shoulders.

Night Life [Craig x Tweek]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz