22- Jealousy's A Disease

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I couldn't believe everything was happening so fast. Maybe too fast.


5:30 am. Every time I woke up, I had the same thought. Maybe I can afford to skip school today. Every day, I still forced myself up and went.

Today was different. I didn't have that thought today. I was just too damn excited to see Dean. 

I rolled out of bed and into my bathroom, brushing my teeth. I turned on the shower to the highest heat setting and set a playlist on my iPad. When the speakers starting blasting love songs, I couldn't help but smile. How fitting.

When my hot shower was over, I wrapped my towel around my body and walked into my room, the music still playing on the speaker.

Justin sat on my and I screamed, "Jesus! You scared me!" 

He had no remorse as he picked up the leather jacket and showed it to me with a smirk. "Why is Dean's jacket here?" 

Using one hand to hold my towel up, I snatched it out of his hand. "He gave it to me," I lied. "Dude, get out! What if I had been naked?"

He shrugged. "But you're not."

"Mom! Justin's being a pervert and won't leave my room," I screamed, making his eyes widen in horror. He denied the accusations and scurried out of the room before he could get caught. I triumphantly smirked and tossed the jacket back on the bed. 

Nothing even looked semi-appealing to wear. The weather was getting to that stage where it was cold in the morning, but burning by the time school was out. I decided on something for the warmer weather, topping it off with a jacket. 

My hair was a mess, per usual. I grabbed my hairbrush and combed out all the tangles, leaving it pin straight. Sometimes I wished my hair wasn't so boring.

I decided to put on some light makeup today. I'd been slacking since I basically dumped Drew, but today it felt necessary. I finished up my routine with deodorant and a light spritz of Dior perfume.

I smiled at myself in the mirror and grabbed a pair of silver studs to put in my ears. The finished product was decent, much more effortful than the past days. 

I grabbed my backpack and shoved Dean's jacket in there before heading downstairs. 

My mom smiled at me as she took in my appearance. "Wow, someone had a lot of free time this morning," she teased, setting down a plate for me. I thanked her with a kiss on the cheek and sat down.

My dad was reading the newspaper, but he glanced at me from over it. Justin smirked and I knew nothing good was going to come out of his mouth. 

"Probably has to do with her new crush."

My dad put his paper down and sipped from his mug. "Oh? Who's this?"

"Dean, the kid who took her to homecoming." He grunted as I kicked him under the table, giving him a glare.

My mom finally joined us, taking a seat next to me. My parents leaned in and gave each other a quick kiss before she started eating. "I think it's sweet," my mom smiled, putting a hand on my leg.

"Hm... I have to do some research on this kid... what's his last name?" My dad said casually. I rolled my eyes and ignored his question, dipping my pancake in extra syrup and moaning at the taste.

Come to think of it, I didn't know his last name. He never wrote it on our class assignments. I made a mental note to ask him at some point. 

"Bill, leave the kids alone," my mom threatened warmly. "I don't see you interrogating Justin's girlfriend."

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