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                        5 Months Later

"Ash!!!!!!" Harper yelled. 

"It's ok baby you got this. you got this." I replied as I held her hand as we were in the delivery room.

"Ash I can't do it." She cried.

"No offense babe but it's a little to late for that." I chuckled which only seemed to make her angrier. "Babe you've got this think of the classes we took together."

"They made it look easier than it actually is." She cried.  I gave her a quick kiss Ti distract her for a few seconds while the doctor gave her an epidural.  The pain was bad so Harper demanded the drugs. Which I wasn't gonna complain. What ever helped my girlfriend get through the pain was good enough for me.

Finally after several hours it came down to it and it was time for her to start pushing again.

"Push baby push! You can do this baby. You can do this!" I replied kissing her head and holding her hands.
She pushed and pushed until finally I could see the head of one of our babies. With in a little bit we had a beautiful baby girl.  They took her away and began cleaning her up as I heard her precious little cries. 

"You have a healthy beautiful little girl." The doctor said.

"Thank you." Harper and I both said at the same time.

"And now for the little boy." The doctor spoke softly as Harper began pushing again. I held her hand a breathed with her watching  and wait I gotta for our little boy to come.

"Come on baby almost there." I said to Harper as she squeezed my hand and pushed hard.

"I see his head!" I said happily as she pushed harder. "Just a few more baby."
With in a few more minutes we had a beautiful baby boy. The doctors took him away and cleaned him up. I heard his beautiful little cries .

"You did it angel you did it." I smiled and kissed her head.
Harper was wore out but excited to hold out beautiful babies.

"What are their names going to be?" The nurse asked so she could fill out the birth certificates.

"Eli Cole Irwin and Harriet Marie Irwin." Harper and I both said at the same time as we held out beautiful new born babies.

"Beautiful names." She replied.

"Thank you." Harper smiled and kissed both babies as she held them close against her chest.  I kissed Harper's head and couldn't help it as tears began to fall. I had a family. A beautiful beautiful family.

After a couple hours of letting Harper rest we invited the boys, Halsey, crystal and Sierra to come back and see the babies. Everyone was in complete aww of them just like we were. Once everyone left I let the babies go to the nursery and I laid beside Harper holding her close to my chest.

"I'm proud of you angel." I smiled and kissed her head. "So so proud of you." Harper just smiled and laid her head on my chest.

"I know it's not romantic and I should wait till it is but I just can't wait anymore." I replied pulling a ring box out of my pocket causing Harper to gasp. "You're The mother of my kids , the love of my life, and the person I want to spend every minute with of every day. Harper Marie Carpenter will you marry me?"

A/N: Did you all enjoy high ? Would you like me to do a sequel? Comment below what you'd rate it 1-10 and let me know if you want a sequel. Thank you so much for reading love you

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