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"So this is High. Huh?" I asked Calum as we walked into a huge club. It smelled of alcohol and marijuana.

"Yep." Calum smiled and was already checking out the girls that were standing by the door way.
Apparently there was a wait list to get into the place but somehow Calum got us in. As we walked towards the bar I couldn't help but notice a beautiful girl dancing on stage.

"Ooo already got your eyes on someone?" Calum smirked.

"Shut up cal." I replied shaking my head. But yet I couldn't stop looking at the beautiful girl.

"You know what." Calum smirked. "I think that girl is a professional dancer. Why don't we get you a dance from her?"

"No cal, I can't do that." I chuckled lightly, but honestly I was more nervous than anything.  I hadn't been with a girl in months, and getting a lap dance from a really hot girl would not be helpful.

"Yes you can, and yes you will." Calum smirked before walking off.

"You better not be doing what I suspect your doing!" I whined.
Within a few more minutes Calum came over and pulled me down a hallway and into a room where there was a chair and sat me down in it.

"Have fun." Calum smirked before leaving the room.
Before I could get up music started.

" I just wanna
Show you how much I appreciate you
Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you
Wanna show you how much I will forever be true
Wanna show you how much you got your girl feelin' good
Wanna show you how much, how much you're understood
Wanna show you how much, I value what you say
Not only are you loyal, you're patient with me babe
Wanna show you how much, I really care about yo heart
I wanna show ya how much, I hate being apart
Show ya, show ya, show ya til you're through with me
I wanna keep it how it is, so you can never say how it used to be"

The girl come out and began swaying her hips as she walked closer to me. I felt a lump in my throat again. She was wearing a very sexy low dress. It was also very short and dang it was turning me on.

"You feeling good baby?" She whispered in my ear as she sat on my lap.

"Oh cat got your tongue does it handsome?" She giggled as she began to dance and run her hands through my hair.

"You're so hot." I whispered and closed my eyes as it felt so good to have a girls hands in my hair.

"Why thank you." She giggled. "So what's your name handsome?"

"A-Ashton. What about you?" I asked opening my eyes to look at her again.

"Harper." She replied smiling. "Not very many guys ask me my name." She replied quietly.

"Well I know this may sound cheesy but I'm not like most guys." I replied putting my hands on her hips.

"I believe it." She replied whispering in my ear. "That's why when I get off work I want me and you to get a drink." She replied gently kissing along from below my ear down to my neck before she went back to dancing.

" Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (ohh ooh ohh ohhh)
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (ohh ooh ohh ohhh)
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body
Boy I like it when you watch me, ah
Tonight it's going down
I'll be rockin' on my babe rockin' rockin' on my babe
Swirlin' on you babe swirlin' swirlin on you babe
Baby lemme put my body on your body
Promise not to tell nobody 'cause
It's bout to go down
You'll never need two, 'cause I will be your number 1
Them other chicks are superficial
But I know you know I'm the one
That's why I'm all into you
'Cause I can recognize that you know that
That's why I'm backin' this thing back
Pop poppin' this thing back
Drop drop drop dropping this thing back
This is for the time, you gave me flowers
For the world, that is ours
For the mulah, for the power of love
I know I won't never ever eh-ever give you up
And I wanna say thank you in case I don't thank you enough."

After a bit the time was up on her dance and she gave me a paper with an address and a number on it.

"Meet me there in a half an hour." Harper smiles before walking off into the darkness.
I walked off back into the bar and Calum was no where to be found.
When I checked my phone, I wasn't surprised to see Calum had left with a random chick he found.

So for the next half hour I drank a little and watched some of the dancers. Once the half hour was up I went to the address that was on the paper and I was surprised to see it was a cute little house.
I went up and knocked on the door and over hear Harper yell a come in. And so I did.

"Hey." She smiled. She was just in a robe that looked like she was wearing some kind of lingerie underneath it.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Sorry I'm not dressed, I just got out of the shower and slipped this on." She said softly.

"It's ok." I smiled. " you look beautiful."

"Thank you." She smiled and grabbed a bottle of vodka out of the cabinet. "Would you like a drink or something else?"

"What do you mean by something else?" I chuckled.

"Well I have something's that will make all your senses come alive." She whispered and bit her lip lightly.

"How bout vodka for now, and maybe then I'll think about the something else."

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