Girl Or Boy

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                     * 3 Months Later *

"Harper baby you need to get up and get dressed." I laughed and kissed her cheek as she just groaned and laid there in bed not wanting to get up.

"But I don't wanna get up." Harper whimpered. "I spent most of the night throwing up."

"I'm sorry baby but you have a doctors appointment today. Maybe they can give you something to make the nausea go away?" I replied trying to find something to make her get up.

"No I don't want to get up." Harper whined again.

"I'll make love to you when we get home if you get up." I laughed hoping it would make her laugh as well.

"I swear to god Ashton I'm never having sex with you again. That's what got me into this mess." She giggled.

"Yeah yeah yeah." I waved my hand up in the air to dismiss what she said. "You have to admit it was pretty fun though." I smirked.

"Stop it." She whined. "Don't make me horny." She whined again.

"I won't make you horny if you agree to get up, get dressed and go to the doctor." I replied as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Fine." She whined and sat up. "But you better fuck me real good when we get home." She winked at me and smiled before going to the bathroom changing her clothes.

"Oh I will." I laughed and got dressed myself. I was super excited. Today was the day we'd get to find out the sex of our baby.

"Harper let's go my beautiful baby our chariot awaits."  The boys where so excited about getting find out the sex of the baby that some how they talked us into letting them drive us to the doctors office.

Harper and I walked out to the car where Michael, Luke and Calum were waiting for us.

"Harper you look stunning." Michael said as I opened the car door for her. He insisted on sitting in the middle of the backseat. So Harper got in on one side of him and I got in on the other.

"Thanks Mikey." Harper said quietly. "I don't though, I just threw on one of Ashton's T-shirt's and the only pair of jeans I have left that will fit."

"Oh shut up you look stunning." Michael laughed. Which then Harper proceeded to laugh.

"Did you just tell a pregnant woman to shut up?" Harper asked giggling.

"Maybe." Michael laughed and soon the whole car was just in a fit of laughter for no reason what so ever.

"So what do you guys want the baby to be a boy or a girl?' Luke asked as he drove.

"I don't really mind." Harper replied smiling. "As long as it's healthy that's all that matters."

"What about you ash?" Calum asked.

" ummm probably a boy." I chuckled. "I know nothing about girls. So a boy would be best." I replied causing Harper to giggle.

"Don't you have a sister?" Harper laughed. "You should know some about girls."

"Ok Ok ok so I know a little a bout girls but come on I'm meant to be a boys dad." I laughed.

"Ok." Harper laughed.
Once we got to the doctors office Harper and i went inside and checked in. The secretary said it would be a few minutes before we could go back so we might as well take a seat.

"Ash I'm nervous." Harper said quietly.

"About what?" I asked looking over at Harper taking her hand.

"What if it's not a boy." She said quietly.

"Then that's ok babe." I smiled at her softly. "It's ok if it's not a boy I will be just as happy with a girl. In fact maybe I'll be happier I don't know. I mean a boy I can teach drums, but a little girl I could spoil. So I'll be happy either way you don't have to worry."

"Ok ash." I smiled and kissed Harper's cheek. Just as I was finished the nurse called us back and we went into the back where the beds were. I had to and sit in a chair and hold harpers hand while the doctor did the ultrasound.

"Ok let's see. There's a heart beat.. and another heart beat."

"Wait what?" Harper said in shock. "There... there's two?"

"Yes ma'am it seems you are having twins." The doctor smiled. "Had no one told you that before on any earlier ultrasounds?"

"We haven't had any other ultrasounds." Harper said shyly. " I wasn't really able to have health insurance up till now so I wasn't able to."

"Oh that's fine dear." The doctor smiled. "Ok now let's  check the sex of the babies shall we?"

I suddenly became very nervous. I we were gonna have to babies. I took a breath and continued looking at the screen.

"Ok baby number 1." The doctor said and moved over to the first baby. "It's a boy."

"Congrats baby you get your boy." Harper whispered to me. I just chuckled and waited for the second baby to be revealed.

"And your second baby is a girl." The doctor said smiling at us. I suddenly felt excited and happy. Not only was I gonna have a little boy but I was also Gonna have a little girl that I figure will be just as adorable as her mother.

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