The Safe Place

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It was few days later that I was able to leave the hospital, but I had to have someone with me at all times. Mostly to make sure I didn't do anything to strenuous or to clean my wound. All of which Harper agreed to do. But I didn't want to go back to the house. I knew that there was danger there plus it was still a crime scene, and we couldn't go back to Harper's because it was still a crime scene. And I definitely wasn't gonna stay with any of the boys. I couldn't risk either of them getting killed. So I decided today would be the day we went to the police. Told them what we knew, and hoped to god they'd put us in protective custody for a bit.
When we got tot he police station and talked to the person on our case, it went surprisingly better than I expected. They said it was good to have a lead, well a suspect lead anyway.
They agreed to put us in protective custody and we waited in the police station until they could find a place for us to stay.
I texted Calum telling him that I wouldn't be able to do any band stuff for a while and he said that fine because he had already canceled everything for a while.

"I'm sorry ash." Harper spoke softly.

"For what?" I replied looking over at her.

"Your whole life has changed because of me, because of this." Harper sighed and looked down at the floor.

"Hey hey hey." I put my finger under her chin and made her look up at me. "I get you, I would do it all again if it meant I still got you."

"You sure?" She asked.

"Of course I'm sure."

"God I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a boyfriend like you." Harper replied kissing me softly.

"Your crazy." I laughed which caused her to laugh. We probably both seemed crazy. Laughing in the middle of a police station like that.

"Ok we have a place for you both to go." One of the police officer said walking over to us. "The officers will escort you to your home where you will get your clothes then you will be escorted to your new location."

"Thank you." I smiled and grabbed Harper's hand while standing up. "Let's go babe." I smiled down at Harper and she got up.

"You know what I just realized." Harper said smiling.

"What's that?" I chuckled at her cute little grin.

"We're moving in together." She giggled.

"Yes we are baby." I smiled kissed her nose and began walking out to the car with her.
Once we got in the car we drove back to my house. We picked up some clothes for both of us and other essentials we would need. Before the police officers took us to the new place we would be staying.
The house wasn't very big. Thankfully there was just us two or there wouldn't really be enough room for  everyone.

"Well this place is charming." Harper said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey it's ok. We're only gonna be here for a little while. Soon they'll catch you uncle and we'll be back at my place." I replied kissing her cheek.

"Promise?" Harper asked.

"Yes babe.." I smiled and kissed her softly, before going into the bed room setting my stuff on the bed, preparing to put it away.

"Here let me do that." Harper replied as she walked in behind me. "You've done enough for today." She smiled

' I've got bi-polar disorder
My shit's not in order
I'm overweight
I'm always late
I've got too many things to say
I rock mom jeans, cat earrings
Extrapolate my feelings
My family is dysfunctional
But we have a good time killing each other
They tell us from the time we're young
To hide the things that we don't like about ourselves
Inside ourselves
I know I'm not the only one who spent so long attempting to be someone else
Well I'm over it'
Harper was singing along to the music in her head while I laid on the couch. She was a beautiful singer. In fact I think she could make a living at it. I thought about our life and how it would and slowly I drifted off to sleep.

"Ash." I felt Harper poke my cheek. "Aaasshhhh." She giggled.

"Yes?" I replied not opening my eyes.

"It's time for dinner." She replied. "I ordered Chinese. I hope that's ok."

"Yeah of course." I smiled and slowly stretched before opening my eyes to see my beautiful girlfriend sitting in just my T-shirt and a pair of underwear.   "Well don't you look beautiful."

"I look like trash." Harper laughed.

"Shut up." I laughed. "You look sexy as hell."

"Oh really?" Harper giggled as she ate. "Me Wearing your clothes turns you on huh?"

"It just might." I replied as I picked up some noodles and began eating them.

"Good to know." Harper replied as she went back to eating and looking down letting her hair fall down into her face. Most likely hiding the blush that had formed.

"Yup." I chuckled and ate trying my best to keep myself from

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