Party Time

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2 Weeks later

"Harper come on. Ashely just wants us to come over and visit for a bit." I lied. Today was the day Ashely wanted tho through the baby shower for Harper but it was supposed to be a surprise. It was extremely hard keeping a secret from Harper but it was worth it.

"I don't know what to wear to go over to Ashely's." Harper whined. Her cravings had grown over the past two weeks which basically involved Harper eating very two minutes so she was well gaining weight finally. Although I thought she looked adorable Harper on the other hand thought she looked like a fat cow. Her words not mine.

"Wear one of the pretty maternity dresses Ashely got you." I replied just wanting to get her into the car or else we were gonna be late.

"You sure that's not to dressed up for just going to Ashely's for a visit?" Harper asked looking at me shyly.

"No it's not baby in fact I think Ashely will love that your wearing something she gave you." I replied kissing her head.

"Ok if you say so." Harper smiled but on the dress and a little bit of make up before we walked down the car.

' Oh the sun will rise
Like a flame ignites
We're not done
Til we say it's over
We won't fade away
Oh the sun will rise
Tomorrow never dies'
Harper and I both sang along with one of 5sos older songs as we drove over to Ashely's.
Once we got there we got out of the car and walked up to the door where I knocked.

"Come in." Ashely yelled. As Harper and I walked into the house.

"Where is she?" Harper asked as we walked down the hall towards the living room.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone yelled.

"Oh my god." Harper giggled and was completely surprised.  "Ash you knew about this?"

"Of course I did baby." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Who did all of this?" Harper asked.

"Ashely did." I replied smiling as Ashley walked over and hugged Harper .

"You're wearing the dress I got you. It looks so good on you!" Ashely smiled.  "Ok let's get this party started." Ashley squealed. "Ashton the boys are in the kitchen you can go join them."

"Ok." I smiled and kissed Harper's cheek. "Have fun baby."

"Thanks Ash." Harper smiled as I walked into the kitchen where all the boys were.

"Hey Ashton." Calum smiled, "how are you?"

"I'm great how are you" I asked as I sat down beside Calum.

"Starving." Calum laughed. "Ashely thought it would be a good idea to put us in charge of food. But she made the rule no one was allowed to eat until everyone gets to eat."

"Oh that sucks." I laughed. "so what do you need me to make?"

"Nothing." Michael said as he handed me a beer. "You're the father. You do nothing." Michael laughed.

"Touché." I laughed.

"Well technically he did do one thing." Mitchy smirked.

"Oh shut up." I laughed and took a drink of my beer. 

"Never!" Mitchy laughed and continued grilling some hamburgers. I just rolled my eyes and drank my beer trying to relax.
I could hear all the girls inside giggling and taking about babies and it all just made me so happy.  Especially since Harper was happy I was all little worried that the party would make her upset since there wasn't really anyone here that she knew before she met me.

"Ashton what you thinking?" Luke asked.

"Just thinking about Harper." I blushed and drank my beer.

After the boys finished cooking we all walked out to the where the party was with no drinks because the party was alcohol free since Harper couldn't drink.
Thankfully I had some gum so I could hide the beer on my breath or Harper would probably get annoyed at me for drinking when she can't.

"So how's this going?" I asked as I sat down beside Harper.

"It's going great." Harper giggled. "I'm so happy." She smiled and kissed my cheek as I wrapped an arm around her.

"I'm so glad." I replied holding her close. After we ate it was time to open presents. Most of the presents were for Harper to get through the pregnancy, or for the babies. But my Favorite gift was from the Calum, Michael and Luke. They got the babies a play guitar, drum set and bass.

"You guys realize the babies won't be able to play those for like three years right ?" Harper said rolling her eyes at the boys.

"Babe come on." I whined. "These are like the best presents ever. No offense to anyone else who got us presents, but I mean come on look at the cute little drum set."

"Ok ash." Harper giggled at how excited I was. "If it's that important to you we will keep them."

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I replied kissing Harper in between each thank you.

"You're welcome." Harper giggled and kissed me back.

"I love you." I smiled and kissed Harper again.

"I love you to Ash." She replied kissing me back causing everyone to break out in an awww.

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