Harper's Story

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I talked to the guys for a little while but I felt myself getting very very sleepy. So I told them I was gonna go upstairs and take a nap. As I walked upstairs and came into my bed room I saw Harper still laying in bed asleep but she was kicking and turning. Most likely having a bad dream.

"Harper." I said softly.  "Harper?" I spoke just a little louder.

"Yeah?" She said as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Where you having a bad dream?" I asked as I grabbed me a new shirt and a pair of sweatpants out of my dresser.

"Um I think so. I don't really remember." Harper replied sitting up on the bed stretching and yawning.

"Ok.. we're gonna have to find you some clothes." I spoke as she was just wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top.  Despite living in LA it was rather cold today. So I couldn't have Harper just dressed in shorts.

"What do you suggest?" Harper laughed. "As your taller than me. I can't wear your clothes."

"I think I have an idea but it might creep you out. I hope not though." I replied shyly.

"I don't get creeped out easily." Harper replied laughing just a little.

"So I have a few things of my ex's left in a box. I was gonna return them to her but then she disappeared. Well blocked me on everything and moved from her apartment. I'm sure something in it would fit you. And everything is cleaned I washed them so you don't have to worry about that." I replied looking down at the clothes in my hand. Hoping Harper didn't think it was weird I still had some of my ex's things.

"Ok sure let's see what you got. After you change of course." Harper replied.

"Yeah ok." I smiled and went into the bathroom and began changing my clothes. Once I was done I walked back out to where Harper was.

"Let's go find you some clothes." I smiled and walked out of my bedroom and down the hall to the guest room where I kept the box of clothes in the closet. Harper followed right behind me.

"Let's see what do we have in here. We have a a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. I could always let you borrow one of my hoodies if you get cold." I replied looking up at Harper.

"Ok yeah that I'll work." Harper smiled took the clothes from me and went walking back towards my bedroom.

"Hey Harper. Can I ask you something personal?" I said a little shyly as I walked into my bedroom.

"Sure." She said from the bathroom.

"Why do you dance at high? Like do you enjoy it?" I asked hoping that wasn't to personal of a question. I guess deep down I was hoping she hated her job. So I could get her to quit. I don't know if I could handle my girlfriend giving guys lap dances every night. Then again I guess Harper isn't my girlfriend. She may not even want to be. I couldn't help but sigh at the thought, but then again what was Harper going to be if all this hadn't have happened. Just a one night stand?  Or would I have pursued her? Maybe it was best for me to just let her stay here until she found someone new to live with and this whole trial was over.

"Well. Um it's kinda a long story." Harper replied almost acting as if she didn't want to talk about it.

"Oh. Ok." I replied with a little bit of disappointment in my voice. I couldn't help it. I wanted to hear the words I hate my job and I just do it because it was the only job I could find.

"I guess I could tell you." Harper sighed as she walked out to where I was. "I'll tell you if you get me a hoodie and give me good cuddles." She laughed. God she had a beautiful laugh.

"Ok deal." I smiled and went over to my closet pulling out a hoodie for Harper. I carried it over to her and helped her out it on.

"So cuddly." She giggled as she snuggled into the oversized hoodie.

"I'm glad you think so." I chuckled and walked over to my bed, pulling the covers back before laying down waiting for Harper to lay next to me.
After a bit Harper laid next to me with her head on my chest.

"Ok so story time." Harper said quietly.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." I replied.

"No it's ok." She smiled softly and began her story. "So when I was 16 I was living with my grandmother because my mom was good for nothing. But then my grandma died and they sent me to live with my uncle, but it turned out he wasn't that great either. The second I turned 18 my uncle had me dancing at a bar in New Jersey for money for him. I decided one day I had enough of working for him so I ran away, but the only think I knew how to do was dance. So I found a job at high and I've been working there ever since. I met Lizzy and we got an apartment together."

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