48- Festival

Mulai dari awal

We each did it and chose one while we smiled. Oka was happy with hers and smiled a bit as she put it on. We all smiled and then put them away in the bag we were given for it and smiled. I just remembered the tickets and smiled. "Oh right, if there's anything you want from a stand, we got these tickets to get whatever we want to get." "Really? Why?" "For helping out. We tested the games." "Who's we?" Megami asked and Hoshiko waved. "We did." "How many?" "15 each." "Woah." We smiled and nodded. "Forgot about those." "Me too." They nodded and we heard a child behind us. "Miss, I want those!" "Oh, I'm sorry. But they're ours to use." The kid stared at me but then walked away when Asu kindly explained that we got them fairly.

They huffed and walked away while I was confused. We tried walking away but I was soon heard a yell.

We turned in shock and looked back. We saw the lady yelling at another woman and being confused. "What's going on?" I asked and they shrugged. "Let's go check." I nodded to Amai's suggestion and we all went.

"Mrs! That young lady was just telling your kid what was hers and that she isn't giving it away!" "No! She needs to give it to my precious baby!" The lady yelled and I was confused before being dragged. "Nope, were going away from this." Megami said and I was confused. "What?" "Entitled people. Ignore them." "I'm... confused..?" "They're people raised with the mindset that they'll be handed whatever they want because they always grew up like that. And that lady is one." "Um... okay?" I said and felt my sleeve getting tugged at. The kid was here again and staring at me. They were tugging at it rather harshly so I gently took their hand off and fixed it. "Miss, my mommy said they're going to be mine. I want what's mine." "I'm afraid not. They're mine to use. You shouldn't leave your mom's side." The child stared before crying and Oso was pissed.

"Let's move." I slightly nodded and saw Yuuto and Damien along with two others, a girl and another guy. The lady shoved her way past the woman that was holding her back and stormed to us. "You!" She yelled and we turned. I was confused and the others were reacting their own way. They were mostly were glaring, but they were also frowning. I was just confused and she went to me. "Yes ma'am? Have I done something wrong on accident?"

Oso's POV

How the fuck is she so nice? Let me snap her arm or something...

Reader POV

"You refused my little boy the right for those tickets! Why do you even deserve them?" "I'm sorry ma'am, but I got them from helping the people here. I'm going to let my friends use them when there's something they want. It isn't going-" "Why don't you just give one to him? You said that you and your other lesbian friend there both got 15-" I just stopped listening when she just assumed something about Hoshiko. I don't care if it's true, I got angry. It felt like a glaze went over my eyes and I saw Hoshiko look down and seem ready to cry.

"So with as many-" "Shut up." She seemed shocked and so were the others. "Excuse me? Don't-" "Shut up. They're going to my friends and you have no right to assume anything about her. I don't want to be mean but do not try anything like that again. I don't need you assuming anything about any of them, got it?" She was shocked before laughing. "Ha! What could you do?"

I looked at Megami and she recognized my face. She nodded and I nodded. During this, the lady raised her hand with her knuckles facing my head. She was going to slap me when Damien gave permission too and I knocked her to the floor and stared at her while keeping her on the ground. "That. Do you understand now ma'am? Do you plan to stay entitled and keep demanding my tickets, or will you stop and let me enjoy this? You look like a complete moron to everyone here and I never wished for that. You should know everything won't be served on a silver platter." I stood back up and would've went back to (Y/n). Suddenly, the lady spoke and yelled. "How dare you be like that? I know the boss of Corporate Company! And I'm second in command! But you don't even know what I'm talking about, do you?"

"Whats Corporate Company?" "Who?" "What is she talking about?"

I smiled and stared at her. "Oh really? Boss's name?" "His name is Kasu." "Not that one." "Why should I say it?" "Because I know you're lying." "Excuse me? How?" She was back in my face and I smiled. "Lady, you clearly don't know the company too well. Because of this." I got the badge out from the fold in my kimono. I smiled and showed her the badge.

"Is this badge enough ma'am? Or perhaps you would like to tell me about all the technology in that place? Specifically the certain room on the sixth floor? You should know it quite well if you're the second in command." "Why should I tell you? That's fake!" "God... I hate you right now... What's your name?" She told me it stupidly and I went away.

"Hey Boss, yeah, we got this woman here named Claire Hisuko. Amne-sticks are needed here." "I'm at a charity event and this lady started being entitled." "Yeah... Lots of people heard her." "Do I have to? Can't we get the others so I can just enjoy myself here for once?" "Wait what?" "Well Boss, no offense, your wife if being fucking annoying." "What do you mean you're still on vacation? You should've been back last week!" "Get the base over there to transfer you! It should take a minute at the longest!"

"That's a fake call!" I just showed her my screen. "It isn't. So you're the boss's wife and you try to attack his second in command?" She froze and looked around. He hung up and I looked at the screen. I saw the boss here and he looked like he's been relaxing for weeks. "Hisuko!" "Shit..." She muttered and he took her and the boy away as he cried. "Alice, I better not get a call like this again." "Control your wife." "This isn't the first time. I know." He sighed and dragged her away while others just knocked people out one by one besides Akedemi students. "Alright then." "That was a lot Alice." "She was annoying me. I knew the boss was married, but to her? I can't tell if I should feel bad or not." Damien approached.

"Hey Alice." "Hey." "You needed to call your boss?" "She wouldn't fucking listen to me." "I guess that's true, but calm down." "You say that when you're dealing with people like that." "I'm alright... I don't think I could." "Exactly." I went back to (Y/n) as everyone got up. After they did, they kept going with their normal lives. "Holy shit..." I heard Aoi say and I turned to her. "What?" "Nothing." I was confused and nodded while Damien messed with my hair a bit before going back to Yuuto. We kept going and we each messed up at a game that Hoshiko had been the one to confirm work. The guy laughed a bit and smiled. "Would you like to try again?" Oka was embarrassed at failing and hid herself under her mask.

Kizana looked at me and smiled. "Can I get something here?" "Oh, sure. Here." I gave her a ticket and the guy nodded as he took it. He checked it and confirmed its real. "What would you like?" "Can I have that?" She pointed to a small necklace and bracelet like thing combo. It was something Oka wanted and the man grabbed one then gave it to her. "There you go miss. Anything else?" We shook our heads and continued for other people to go. Kizana gave it to Oka and Oka was shocked. Kizana moved the mask and smiled as she put them on.

"There we go." "I-I can't... take it..." "Why not?" "You... you got it..." "With a ticket. Thanks (Y/n)." "Yeah." Oka kept wearing it and was so happy as she smiled. The next booth, Oka, Akane, Amai, Kuroko, Shiromi, and Raibaru were the only ones to do the game and we stood to the side as we got something.

Oka returned with a purple choker with two roses, and purple gems hanging down from it and gave it to Kizana. She tried refusing it because Oka earned it but Oka insisted since it was her way to pay it back for the bracelet she gave Oka. When she gave in, Oka was happy and smiled. She put it on while the others returned.

"Hey (Y/n)?" Oso asked and I looked at her. "Yeah?" "Have you ever cussed?" "Besides singing... I don't remember ever cussing." They all stared at me in shock and I looked at them. "What?" "How?" Aoi asked and I shrugged. "I... don't know?" We kept going after they got over the shock and I smiled. We each spent a ticket on a booth and mine was actually spent on a fox necklace.

I couldn't post the pictures I wanted on it so you'll have to imagine how the things look.

Heartfelt Love (Male Rivals x Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang